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rosemary greenwald

the most vsco girl of them all. she sleeps in her shell necklaces and carries her Kanken Backpack everywhere. She always has a scrunchie on her wrist and wears mom jeans.

Rosemary Greenwald is the most vsco of every vsco girl ever

by nigerianprince August 12, 2019

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Rosemary's Baby

When a woman has eaten a meal containing rosemary herb, and then shortly afterwards passes flatus with a distinct scent of rosemary mixed with the usual foulness associated with said act.

Did you eat something with rosemary in it tonight, because it smells like you just had Rosemary's Baby?

by Mimik999 March 7, 2010

8πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

Rosemary & olive oil

The natural flavor of the Triscuit box right beside me.

Mmmmh! Rosemary & olive oil Triscuits! So delicious!

by Bad C dev July 25, 2021

Azalee, Rosemary And Diondre

Trouble makers for a classroom. can not trust in a classroom with a substitute teacher. one will get sent to the other side of the room, the others will keep doing what they are doing. never do they're work or listen to the teacher at all.

Oml Azalee, Rosemary and Diondre are such trouble makers

by Fr_thots October 26, 2017

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Onion Ring Around the Rosemary Burger

A special burger that comes with an onion ring and rosemary

"Hey Bob, what's the burger of the day?" "It's the I Know Why the Onion Ring Around the Rosemary Burger, you should try it!"

by America Lover πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ November 17, 2018

50πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


When two friends share a single braincell and become unhinged without any substances required.

Rosemari went to Sandusky.

by YeeandHaw97 November 23, 2022

rosemary greenwald

the thiccest bitch of them all. if you see this 8 foot tall monster in the streets you better hustle before she nibbles your toes owowowow

"your acting like a rosemary greenwald you big gay bitch."

by moto.moto.69 August 4, 2019