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Anal Rape

"Did you hear that Jess got Tailgated by Drew?" "Yeah, but she says he got caught."

by owner_ex February 13, 2017

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Tailgate Buzz

The result of excessive anal intercourse causing a numbness in the rear quarters, or, tailgate, of the receiving partner.

Those dudes in Brokeback Mountain must have had a bad case of tailgate buzz after a long weekend in the wilderness together.

by LkBryanFan18 December 4, 2013

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tailgate warranty

When item is sold and delivered or dropped off by seller and the item comes with warranty as long as u can see the tailgate of the delivery vehicle. Once the tailgate is out of sight, your purchase is out of warranty.

Seller: I'll drop off your new stove later .

Buyer: does it have warranty?

Seller: it comes with certified tailgate warranty.

Buyer: wtf?

Seller: it has warranty as long as u can see my trucks tailgate!

by PappaChino July 13, 2017

Rainy Tailgate

The act of pulling out and ejaculating on your partner's buttocks and lower back prior to a sporting event in a parking lot.

Steve was enjoying a brat while engaging in anal sex with Aaron prior to the Browns game, only to pull out and Rainy Tailgate dat azz. Go Browns!

by Turd Ferguson's Hat October 11, 2015

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detroit tailgate

The act of having your butthole eaten out in a public place, while leaning against a car, preferably American made.

That bitch gave me a Detroit tailgate in the parking lot yesterday.

by grizzzmint December 19, 2014

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tailgate party

Parties that usually center around a group of people who tailgate to a football game (originated in the South). Once there a party, typically, with food (barbeque or grilled) and alcohol, is held in the parking lot.

Recently tailgating parties have begun to take place at other sports games, symphony performances, and nascar races all over the U.S.

"What started out with a few sandwiches and a couple of beers before the game...has evolved the tailgate party into great American sports tradition...
A group of friends can drive to any outdoor setting, park their cars and pull down the tailgates - get out the grills and prepare a feast!" --Chiff.com

by Anne986 February 4, 2007

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<noun><verb>(to compound-tailgate)
This is when a dumbass/old person in front of you is driving slow, usually going the actual speed limit or below, and you are trying not to tailgate them, when some douchebag genious behind you thinks it a great idea to tailgate you, hoping that will make the guy in front of you go faster. This usually results in a heated exchange, such as the tap of your breaks, wave of your hand, or spraying of the windshield wipers (my personal favorite). In the end, you eternally hate the person behind you because its all their fault.

Sorry I'm late bro, I got stuck behind this old man and this douche behind me caused some serious compound-tailgation, so I had to get out of the car and slap his bitch ass.

by concerned driver November 29, 2007