A nickname for a good friend who is super tall and attractive. Can be compared to "tall glass of water".
Howdy tol skillet, how's it hangin?
Tol G is an openly gay individual with a distinctive personality, known for their unique behaviors and mannerisms. Some may find them difficult to engage with in conversation due to their idiosyncrasies.
Person A: "Hey, have you met Tol G yet?"
Person B: "Oh yeah, Tol G! He's that openly gay guy, right?"
Person A: “yea that nigga is retarded. They usually also look funny. Don’t they?”
Person B: yea he’s a faggot that likes to wobble on dick and probably is Asian”
the opposite of ‘smol’. Someone that is very tall but very cute and has soft tendencies.
Mingyu is such a precious tol bean. uwu
Filipino equivalent to the words "cuh" and "cuz".
Similar to those two words "tol" is a shortened version of another word, in this case the word "katol" or sibling.
"Oy, tol saan ka galing" (Yo, cuh where u from?")
An abreviation for Throne Of Lies, a kingdom deception game based on trials. *cough* It's a really great game.
Friend: What game are you playing?
Human: ToL