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v8 cruiser

V8 landcruiser. Commonly known as a 76 - 79 series landcruiser. The v8 cruiser is an unstoppable force that no other 4x4 can out do. Also known as the real mans 4x4 and work truck used in the mines, by emergency services australia wide an just about everyone in northern QLD and the NT

Old mates v8 cruiser destroyed that track. Thats is a real mans car

by Man from the downunder January 15, 2018

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V8 Splash

The V8 Splash (also known as an Ocean Spray, Sierra Mist) is when a female fills her anal orifice with fruit juice or other assorted sodas and carbonated beverages with the intent of flatulating (farting) the liquid into her partner's face. The resulting fart-spray covers the recipients face with a combination of liquid and doodoo in an effort to arouse the sprayee sexually.

"Man the other night my girl was gassy. I took it as the perfect opportunity to capitalize on a sweet V8 splash!"

"Hey Jared, what did you do last night?"
"Oh, nothing much, watched a bit of the game...and later got totally Ocean Sprayed by Mindy!"
"Mmmmm...that is the best."
"You know it dude."(High Five at this point)

"Hey Todd, have you ever known a girl to load her ass with vegetable juice and then ask you for some fellatio, only to fart-geyser your face with the doo-tainted booty fluid?"
"Nope Clyde, can't say that I've ever experienced that."
"Oh, ok. Just wondering."

by J. Cooter March 31, 2008

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The V8 Splash

when menstral blood gets on your mouth during oral intercourse

mestral blood getting on your face while you are eating your girlfriend out, u just got a the V8 Splash

by mrx3 January 27, 2010

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V8 Moment

When you miss the point, or simply forget.

Tim: 'Joe, there's an open lane here. We can check out here.
Joe: 'Dude, we're staying in lane 6.'
Tim: 'Hello! Lane seven is open.'
Joe: 'Alright, we'll go. But there's the hot girl who likes you...too late.'
Tim: 'Oops, I had a V8 Moment.'

by Freakie Tim October 4, 2009

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v8 killer

a slang term given to slow cars (ex- 4 cylinder import) that have been highly modified to be faster than V8 beasts (ex- corvettes, vipers, etc).

::tunerkid pulls up next to a viper at a stop light in his modified eclipse::

tunerkid: whats that thing got?
viperguy: v8 baby. more power than that piece of shit will ever see
tunerkid: lets see about it.

::they both rev. light turns green. they take off and the viper sees nothing but the v8 killers tailights the whole time::

by Cody Bentley October 16, 2006

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v8 fusion

Same as the V8 Splash, only replace fruit juice with a mixture of fruit and vegetable juice; it's healthier that way.

"Man, I got to thinking after my girl gave me that V8 Splash the other night that I was missing the perfect opportunity to be sexually aroused and also get my daily requirement of betacaritine."

"Hey John, what did you do last night?"
"Oh, nothing much, watched some of the game...and later got a healthy and erotic fusion of fruits, veggies, and poo blown in my face by a perfect stranger. Yes sir, good a good fusion it was...a V8 Fusion"

by J. Tater April 2, 2008

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V8 Swap

To replace the stock engine in a car with a v8, usually to obtain significant performance gains.

Jeff V8 swapped his civic and finally started winning races.

by win this February 13, 2021

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