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Occupy Wall Street

A movement that talking heads in the mainstream corporate media love to denigrate by claiming we have no clear message. In actuality, the message couldn't be more clear if you'd just open your ears and LISTEN.

Occupy Wall Street does not advocate for the end of capitalism. Rather, we oppose crony capitalism and wish for a return to the pre-Reagan era of capitalism under which the U.S. had greater equality and stronger economic growth.

Some examples of issues supported by Occupy Wall Street:

- Restoration of Glass-Steagall financial regulations which stood strong for nearly 70 years until they were axed in 1999

- Reversal of the 2010 Citizens United supreme court ruling which basically enabled moneyed interests to decide our elections

- Repeal of the Bush tax cuts and an eventual return to the pre-Reagan tax rates under which the U.S. prospered

- An end to corporate personhood and other special loopholes and privileges that exclusively benefit large corporations at the expense of everyone else

- An end to oil subsidies, bank bailouts and other forms of corporate welfare

- Restoration of the workers rights that were decimated by Reagan and further whittled away by George Dubya

- An end to lobbying - politicians should work for ALL Americans

- A return to the principles of democracy

by independent progressive November 7, 2011

420๐Ÿ‘ 290๐Ÿ‘Ž

Occupy Wall Street

A protest and series of demonstrations that have gone global and define the frustrations of the the general population towards the laws, regulations and policies of authority that that have been manipulated by corporate greed to put profit above people.

The Occupy Wall Street protests have frightened law enforcement into "Police riots", that have shown the violence comes only from authority.

by Decidedvoter October 30, 2011

513๐Ÿ‘ 385๐Ÿ‘Ž

Occupy Wall Street

The bottom 99% of people on the income bracket rightfully protesting the top 1% getting more money than they deserve.

The richest people in the world (e.g. bankers, CEOs, media moguls, so called "job creators") don't actually work. They have other people work for them. They rake in millions of dollars while the people doing the actual work have to deal with lower pay and higher taxes.

And then the rich folks spend their unearned money on politicians, essentially controlling congress (both Republicans and Democrats). As a result, congress is happy to bail out these people when their businesses start losing money with cash out of the taxpayer's pocket. Not to mention the tax cuts doled out to these billionaires (started by Bush, extended by Obama). That is exactly what OWS is protesting.

Occupy Wall Street is one of the few glimmers of hope as the USA descends further into debt.

Let's have a show of hands. Thumbs up if you support the movement.

by Colder October 27, 2011

672๐Ÿ‘ 522๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black Wall Street

Black Wall Street orginally began in the Fillmore District in the Bay Area. The Game got the idea of BWS from JT the Bigga Figga when they collaborated in the earlier stages of Game's career.

"He basically ran off with it and acted like he created it, but he got it from me." -JT the Bigga Figga

by iLLA August 2, 2005

93๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž

Occupy Wall Street

A group of concerned citizens who rightfully speak out against the extreme degree of inequality in America which now rivals that of some third world countries. Citizens who realize that you cannot have a strong economy without demand, and that 1% of the population owning 90% of the wealth is detrimental to a nation's prosperity. Citizens who oppose the assault on workers rights by multinational corporations, and realize that trickle down is bullshit. Citizens so concerned for the welfare of their country, they are willing to camp outside even in the harshest winter conditions to get the word out. Often bashed by people who fall in the top 1% (obviously) as well as spoiled, snobby, narcissistic rich kids who regard Atlas Shrugged as the bible and have never experienced any real-life hardships whatsoever because they live in the safety bubble of their parents.

Occupy Wall Street believes we should end the unsustainable Bush tax cuts, make RESPONSIBLE cuts in government spending rather than taking from those who have the least, and end the marriage of government and big business that started under the Bush administration and continues under Obama.

by Blue_Kahuna December 1, 2011

269๐Ÿ‘ 211๐Ÿ‘Ž

Occupy Wall Street

The 99% of the US. population who are struggling to make a living while the 1% live a life of luxury. We're not going to be the silent majority anymore.

The people gathered across the country in support of Occupy Wall Street, each large city had a camp in (occupy) and change was imminent. Occupy Fresno, CA. was a big inspiration for this Old Hippy Dude.

by leddyOHD October 21, 2011

581๐Ÿ‘ 482๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pulling A Wall-Street

When you Bailout A multi-billion dollar company and they use the money to give there VIP'S And CEO'S Pay Raises And All Expense Payed Vacations.

Is A Bit Like Tipping a Rapist.

Dude That Delivers bailout money: Alright use this Bailout wisely.

CEO: Alright! Time For A raise and A vacation.

Dude That Delivers bailout money: O Snap He's Pulling A Wall-Street... Well Better Give him some more and hope he spends it responsible this time.

by Ronin_X64 February 4, 2010