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wealth porn

Media coverage, movies, tv or publishing ultra-rich luxuries; exhibitionism of extreme wealth.

That glossy magazine is all ultra-lux ads and wealth porn like giant mansions and limos.

by The Bearcub March 15, 2019

Boomerational wealth

Generational wealth inherited by children and grandchildren of Boomers that consists of entirely useless items such as vintage speakers, 8 foot long dinning tables, dusty cocktail glasses and brass pottery.

Instead of investing money into an index fund, many Boomers wasted money buying items they deemed valuable (but not valuable enough to sell) and passed those items through Boomerational wealth to their descendants.

by RieuxRising January 27, 2021

Ethical Wealth

1)Wealth which is amassed using business practices which sustain and protect the environment while benefiting humans other than self.

2) Exact oppisite of Donald Trump

Ben Cohen the co founder of Ben&Jerry's Ice Cream practices Ethical Wealth by paying his entry level employees $15.97 per hour which is roughly double the federal minimum wage.

by GaiaGirl March 20, 2018

wealth gap

A buzzword invented by liberals to support their idea of wealth redistribution.

"America's wealth gap is the biggest in history."

by ericblr September 16, 2013

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wealth gap

A buzzword invented by liberals to support their idea of wealth redistribution.

"America's wealth gap is the biggest in history."

by ericblr September 16, 2013

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For The Common Wealth

For The Common Wealth is the solo project of ex tonight is goodbye member Yusekae Koi (Yk). Yk parted ways with tonight is goodbye in late 2006 to pursue his own music career. Since forming For The Common Wealth in January 2007, Yk has released a debut album "we are better one" internationally, as well as embarking on two UK tours. Currently For The Common Wealth is in the writing/pre-production phase for a new record. Details are yet to be released.

The single "krones" was written, produced, and engineered by For The Common Wealth.

by PhillisDillis July 28, 2008

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Wealth Discrimination

A specific form of classism involving prejudice or discrimination against those who are impoverished, disadvantaged, homeless, in reception of welfare or belonging to the so called working or lower class.

It often manifests from, and feeds into, the stereotype that those who are financially poor are simply lazy, irresponsible, unlawful, stupid and ultimately immoral. Therefore, those without money are deserving of whatever misfortunes fall upon them due to their own lack of self-imposed virtue. Such attitudes stem from idealistic notions of personal responsibility and a collective need for contempt-based self esteem.

"Wealth discrimination? What's that? I just like kicking the shit out of bums."

"There's no such thing as wealth discrimination. Just worthless poor people."

"Capitalism is a system of wealth discrimination based on arbitrary notions of economic merit."

by Han YoloSwaggins February 10, 2018

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