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Wil Wheaton

A full beard grown by someone who is known to be a geek.

"Look at Jared sporting his Wil Wheaton."

by NaasterChief January 26, 2012

12πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Wheaton Underground

the worlds greatest underground TV show

your Wheaton Underground made me lose 324 lbs.

by wheaton u November 9, 2006

3πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Wil Wheaton

The definitive Alpha Nerd, well known for his fondness for All things Star Trek, Star Wars, Dungeons & Dragons, & WoW.

The sun rose red over the bloodied field of battle, and there, amongst the shattered remains of D&D miniatures, Star Trek Prop replicas and discarded WoW timecards, stood motherfucking Wil Wheaton.

by Wheaton-worshipper January 20, 2011

22πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž

wheaton high school

Wanna see a real life example of gentrification? Just visit good β€˜ole Wheaton High. Back then, it was home to hoodrats and β€˜upcoming’ sound cloud rappers and sold pupusas to fund our senior class. After the renovation, you saw an influx of lighter folks wanting to take advantage of the aesthetically pleasing magnet school.

Did you go to Weedton? Oh I mean Wheaton High School!

by Weedton October 22, 2017

18πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

wheaton bible-ed

When religious church noobs recruit you to go to their church... particularly in wheaton.

Shit son, jewy got wheaton bibled so hard that he is now a member of their church.

by bksizzle January 22, 2005

32πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

wheaton north high school

the high school of the northern part of wheaton, kids from carol stream also go here, its basically how you would expect the high school of bible town wheaton to be.... its got a good academic system and the athletics kick ass some times and other times suck ass. The kids are mostly stuck up pricks (not nearly as bad as the pricks from wheaton south though) the girls have nothing to do but start drama and bitch about everything wrong in their life including the fact that they're just like the girls from wheaton warrenville south but just uglier. There's a few kids that are actualy pretty decent though. They spend they're weekends getting high and having fun. If they dont spend the week days doing the same thing... There's nothing to do except go to the kids house who's parents dont give a fuck and do as much drugs as you can before your parents eventually find out and ground you. Life can kinda suck in wheaton, but if you know what to do and your one of the kids that knows how to have fun, things can be pretty groovy man. The school is a cluster fuck of different kids thrown together. There's the stoners, the preps, the alcoholics (usualy freinds with the stoners), the speech team kids, the jocks, and everything you can imagine, but we all manage to get along, the kids can be pretty awesome if you stay away from the pricks, but then again, at least its not as stuck up and full of pricks as south

the kids from wheaton north high school can be pretty cool, they're just stuck in a bible banging town

by bu66a November 21, 2009

119πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž

wheaton north high school

a place where many memories are made. the weirdest teachers and students you will ever see. half of the kids are furries or cosplayers. every turner you turn your pretty much guaranteed to see a couple of lesbians making out. great pizza though!

wheaton north high school is better than wheaton south😎

by joe mama in my pussy October 14, 2020