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Tobacco tightly rolled into smokable paper. Smoking cigarettes on occassion (1-3 a day) or just socially is OK and not very harmful. Smoking a pack or even half a pack in a day is a sign that you need help. Some people love to preach about cigarettes and give you a lot of shit if they see you smoking one because they want to seem smart, or because they're little sXe virgins who are bitter about denying themselves the occassional pleasure. A popular insult to smokers is, "Yeah, YOU'RE cool..." causing the smoker to break the face of the preteen goth-punk who said it and use his eyes as an ashtray.

In my opinion, Camel Turkish Golds are the best cigarettes around, the worst being Newports or anything menthol. Marlboros are decent. Parliaments are overrated. USA's, though not great, are good in a pinch when you forgot your wallet and only have the change laying around your car.

Cigarettes are nice here and there, but one of those things you just can't overdo.

by Chernorizets Hrabr August 10, 2004

204๐Ÿ‘ 142๐Ÿ‘Ž


the biggest waste of time youl ever have. They dont get you high, they just give you cancer. For every cigarette you had, if you substituted it with weed, you would feel so much better and live longer. Fuck the cigarettes, go by weed, feel good and live longer!

Throw away those shit cigarettes and try some of that real medicine, youl feel much better after smoking an ounce of this.

by Jamacan Boy 22 June 5, 2006

851๐Ÿ‘ 640๐Ÿ‘Ž


Tobacco rolled in paper. With a filter. Filters are usually prefered because getting tobacco in your mouth is unpleasant. Though people who smoke unfiltered cigarettes accuse filter cigarette smokers of being a pussy. Cigarettes aren't bad if you smoke them once in a while. Even one a day won't hurt you.

I'm trying to fill space cause UrbanDictionary said i need atleast 20 letters and 3 words. Word Yo!

by iwannabeanalcoholic January 21, 2005

164๐Ÿ‘ 114๐Ÿ‘Ž


A cylinder of tobacco, the food of the gods, in a delicate and flammable paper, which the adept lights, like Carmen in the opera, and blissfully inhales the fumes thereof. These fumes fill her or his sexy body with a godlike transformation in which the petty concerns of the bourgeois everyday are seen as through a mauve haze that anticipates in the dreary world of everyday, the pleasures of the souk. The cigarette attests one's morality and thereby one's defiance of that morality, and it is truly said of the antismoker, the tears of the Philistine are the Nectar of the Gods.

Give me a cigarette, said Jean-Paul Sartre to Simone de Beauvoir in the Deux Magots. "You smoke too much", said de Beauvoir. Sartre said, you have contracted with me never to say a petty-bourgeois thing, nor to hold me to the dreary and suburban expectations of small minds. Are we not as gods, who must tragically, and in the absence of god, determine our lifespan by acting as committed members of a self-conscious vanguard? I know that Heidegger would call upon us to acknowledge the mystery of Being (Sein) in Time (Zeit) but we refuse the mysterious and peer into a desacrilized world in which sacrifice of short-term instinct must be examined, not for its utility to be sure, in a petty bourgeois spirit which again, I refuse, but for its worth as a gesture of defiance. Therefore give me a cigarette, ho.

by Edward G. Nilges August 7, 2006

416๐Ÿ‘ 306๐Ÿ‘Ž


a pinch of dried and shredded tobacco rolled in smoking paper which usually has a filter attached to the end to make the smoke less harsh.
Cigarettes are the best thing out there. Nicotine is probably the only thing that keeps me sane. And you bitches out there that complain about secondhand smoke (i even read on an earlier post someone saying secondhand smoke is twice as bad(???)) should shut the fuck up. You're a bunch of pussies. I love ciggies and i smoke them whenever I feel like it. And yes, I know they cause cancer you fucking idiots. I read the stupid ass warnings on every pack I buy and laugh at them before I light one up. Sorry, I don't really give a fuck if I die before I'm 70 because who the hell wants to be that old anyway. We're all going to die anyway so why not enjoy it? Good cigarette brands include Marlboro, (not ultralights) Camel and Parliments are okay.

Bob- Why do you smoke cigarettes? Don't you know you're killing yourself and the people around you with secondhand smoke!?
Me- Bitch, shut the fuck up secondhand smoke isn't shit and if you're so worried then get the fuck away from me.
Bob- Oh you're right, sorry I'm a dipshit

by Geesoss November 30, 2006

137๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž


The reason why your friends and family lost some respect for you. Also the reason why your teeth and spit are yellow and black and your dick is going limp after a few minutes of sex.

guy - *lights a cigarette in the elevator*
old woman - *cough* ahem
guy - lady i apparently don't care about my own health, what makes you think i'll give a shit about yours?

by pnguyen December 14, 2007

225๐Ÿ‘ 203๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. An old school vape

"I'm gonna go smoke a vintage vape!"
"You mean a cigarette?"

by Kayoshiwan April 1, 2020