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A closeted homosexual. Think about it...where do you keep your hangers?

In the closet. EXACTLY

"My gaydar tells me that guy is a hanger"

by MJAY June 26, 2005

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A term for a person who latches or lingers near you or at your place of residence for an extended period of time when their welcome has clearly expired. Hangers are also people who make a mess of your room, eat all your food, and use your shower frequently. Hangers talk really fast and motives at first are unknown, till they are revealed and it is too late. Hangers can cause flooding with other hangers present.

Hangers are mooches and or trolls

by Nogamz August 30, 2016

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Someone who is pretty much void of knowledge and basically gets by on looks, charm or style, or a combination of the above.
As in a clothes hanger, the function of which is to simply hold up clothes.

Jack couldn't find a real job if he had to. It's a good thing that he is hot and knows how to dress, talk and which fork to use. He is such a freaking hanger.

by loccitantexan October 10, 2006

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To take a shit.

Man my stomach hurts, I'm going to take a hanger.

by Captain Slappy July 11, 2008

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A building that has the space required to house a completely assembled aircraft. It must have a door or a series of doors that when opened allow an aircraft to be put inside without having to remove the wings, rotors, or any other major component. The aircraft can be protected in this building from the weather. When the aircraft leaves the hanger it can be ready for flight.

Hangers house aircraft at the local airport. Boeing has among the biggest hangers in the world.

by tailwheel "Tom" Anderson March 21, 2007

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A girl that can't let go of someone else's man , try's everything to stop it (which won't happen) basically a lil beg

Ewww look she's a hanger

by newbie._. April 1, 2017

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a cut of tenderloin beef popular in Northern Illinois butcher shops. vulgar slang is meat curtains.

"Man I had the tastiest Hangers last week, they were so rare they dripped.

by the Butcher's pal July 13, 2009

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