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nigga know it all

Nigga who knows it ALLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!

"I mean you know" but but but..
You know I couldn't get a word in edge wise. Because of "Nigga Know It ALL!!" over here!!

by William P. Freely June 12, 2014

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know nothing know it all

A person who knows nothing about most topics they chime in on in conversation. This person will be 16 years old with zero experience about farming and tell a farmer about crop rotation. This person will tell a European car technician what's wrong with their car, refuse to pay diagnosis, because they used to work at Chevy in the 80s, and then bitches when the car isn't fixed.

Rather than listening and increasing their knowledge they insist to run their mouth to the point where everybody is annoyed.

Tim actually gave advice to Matt Damon about how to play Jason Bourne better? What a fucking know nothing know it all.

by Maiorani January 1, 2017

College know-it-all Hippies

Can be thought of as just extremely liberal college students, where there are shrooms, acid, lots of pot, "hippy"-clothes, classic rock, etc., involved. Can be hardcore, but not nearly as hardcore as the hippies of yesterday. While real hippies have a totally different kind of lifestyle than the average American, College Know-It-All Hippies are just college students who usually come from upper middle-class families where their parents pay for them to go to school, which goes against what actually makes a real-life hippy.

Free speech applies to them and them only--not those dirty, filthy conservatives. They tend to talk about moving outside of the United States, because life in America has treated them oh so terribly (even with Freedom of Speech/Freedom of Expression, which is what these new hippies are based on). They pick out the government's flaws, and they tend to know very little about how money, government, other types of authority work, and then they have the "fuck government/all corperations" mentality based on those little pieces of "knowledge." Many CKIAH tend to think that freedom of expression and freedom of speech mean "I can do whatever I want, and if you complain, you're just a normal person, and being normal is a very bad thing." Many of them actually believe in movies like Loose Change, or any other 9/11-was-a-government-conspiracy BS. Last, they tend to read a lot of books where they say they get their fascinating knowledge, when really, they only read them because the books agree with them--I mean hey, they're know-it-alls.

Tripping CKIAH: "Look man, 9/11 was a government conspiracy! They flew planes into their own World Trade Center, and then the United States tried to destroy their own military! Then they KILLED soldiers by going to war! See what I mean man? Bush is evil!"

Normal kid: "Don't listen to them, they're college know-it-all hippies."

by werty8u90p-o987t6rertiop May 8, 2007

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A subset of hippies who are currently enrolled at a college, and usually of liberal/left political thought. These hippies are usually young (around 18-30) and are extremely bane in their quest to prove themselves right beyond all rational thinking. Most CKIA hippies are non-violent, but have been known to abuse women, as seen in the movie Forest Gump. Though it is more likely they merely punish members of their clique who differ from group think.

Common College-Know-It-All-Hippie (CKIAH) beliefs:
God does not exist.
Bush is Satan.
The USA is bent on world conquest.
Capitalism is evil, and a planned economy must be implemented.
Free Speech is okay, as long as you don’t disagree with us.
The Earth will be destroyed by pollution The Day after Tomorrow (TM)

Although they form a collective, each hippie is an individual whose narcissism is beyond all reproach, and their ego knows no bound. Like all hippies, CKIA hippies have a cult like mentality worse than any religion they protest.

The College-Know-It-All-Hippies offered me a recycled Anti-War Phamplet, but I punched him in the face for polluting, and reported him to his collective leader who quickly exe-communicated him after learning that recycling paper requires nasty chemicals, and requires more energy than making new paper.

by David J M February 13, 2006

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Couch Commando know it all

Person who plays militaristic fps all day while giving quotes on ranges of guns and whats possible in real life in military situations when he has not been in any military service. Couch commandos are usually very obese.

When I was playing online and complained about someone shooting me across the map the "couch commando know it all" than said it was possible and gave me the ballistics maximum range under a controlled environment and than said see its possible.

by ralphieG June 18, 2012


Bill W.

When Bill W. has something to say, he thinks he's a smartass-know-it-all.

by Shell S. August 12, 2003

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Green Day Know-It-All

1. A person who thinks they know EVERYTHING about Green Day but they honestly don't

2. People who spell Billie Joe Armstong's name 'Billy' and think they are 100% correct while real Green Day fans know its B-i-l-l-i-e NOT B-i-l-l-y

Green Day Know-it-All: "omg Green Day is awesome! i know like everythinggggg about them!"

real GD fans: "really then when is Billie's b-day?"

know-it-all: "feb. 17"

real GD fan: "yea.......... well if u really know EVERYTHINGGG about them, when was the band assembled?"

know-it-all: "......uh......ummm......2003?"

real GD fans: ".......oh my god....... -___-"

know-it-all: "(texting his/her friend): omg!!! did u c Billy Joe Armstrong last night on that award show?!?!?!"

real GD fan (relpying): "yea he looked sooo hot but ITS B-I-L-L-I-E! BILLIE! NOT B-I-L-L-Y!!!!!

by Green Day Luva 217 <3 November 22, 2011

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