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A way to describe someone who doesn't care about any rules.

This kid at school is super anarchistic.

by Insert_Name_Here_404 May 11, 2021

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person whose fear of the State outweighs his fear of its absence. The moment a person realizes that the crimes committed by the State are far more detrimental to the survival of the species than those of their fellow man, they become an Anarchist.

"Isn't it terrible how the government knowingly poisoned the poor people in Flint, MI? How can we trust them anymore?" "You must be an anarchist."

by IMYT January 3, 2018

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


One who follows the well-thought-out philosophy of drawing the letter A with a circle around it on traffic signs, getting all your political information from punk rock songs, and moaning about your conformist parents who won't let you go skateboarding until you've done the dishes. They like, totally don't understand you man because they're just cogs in the corporate machine and you're so original and against conformity with your trucker hat, studded belt and ripped girl's jeans. I bet they just believe everything they hear on Fox News. They should listen to more NOFX instead. Fuck you, Dad!

Oh yeah, property is theft and as long as there are employers we will never be free. Down with capitalism....and stuff.

Yeah, man. You're deep. Rage on.

You'd be hard pressed to find an Anarchist older than 18 now a days.

The Anarchist was dumbfounded when his teacher told him that she wanted more credible sources of information than Dropkick Murphys and Bad Religion lyrics for his term paper explaining his philosophy.

by radium December 25, 2004

116๐Ÿ‘ 249๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who is a simple idiot, that hasn't quite thought out the fact that with no one in control, they will be wiping their arse with leaves... They have no concept of the fact that businesses cannot work under Anarchy, so not only will toilet roll become unavailable, but so will food and within a couple of weeks of such state of affairs occurring, they will be hungry and forced to live of the land, and will go crying to their Mum about how they "wished it was like it was before anarchy started".

Someone, who whilst wanting to live in worse conditions than in the last hundreds of years, is quite happy to use computers and the internet and spend all their time clicking again and again on the 'DOWN' vote for anyone who questions Anarchy on the Urban Dictionary website.....for further proof of this fact, see how many more 'downs' I get than 'ups'.

A simpleton who fails to grasp the simple fact, that we STARTED with Anarchy many years ago. They overlook the glaringly obviously fact, that even if Anarchy was introduced now, eventually groups of armies would fight each other, and you'd get a group that eventually would rule over the country all over again.

"Mummy who's that dirty horrible man?". "Just keep walking dear, that's an Anarchist. He lives in squalor in his country, and has sneaked into our country, looking for a better life".

by Mark Standing November 4, 2006

88๐Ÿ‘ 186๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. An edgy teenager that believes in Anarchy because he/she thinks it's cool. Probably in JROTC with a haircut that is just barely in standard

2. Someone who woke the f*ck up and decided that the government is stupid and needa to be gone.

Edgy Kid: "I'm an Anarchist"

Real Anarchist: "Whoa dude. 2edjy4mi"

by Mr.Kalashnikov December 14, 2014

14๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Rebel, one who opposes the government and usually attempts to annoy them with crimes ranging from petty vandalism to terrorist attacks. Also one who is opposed to conforming and beleives in individuality.

Raven finished spraying the word "Anarchy" on the wall and stepped back to admire his handywork. "All out Anarchist man!" said his friend, Wolf. "Now for the real show" said Raven, pulling a pipe bomb from his rooksack.

by Orbett May 5, 2007

29๐Ÿ‘ 101๐Ÿ‘Ž


The literal definition of Anarchist:
1 : a person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power
2 : a person who believes in, advocates, or promotes anarchism or anarchy; especially : one who uses violent means to overthrow the established order

Note that it does not say sharing like a damn hippy commune.

"I'm an anarchist! Down with George Bush!"
"Oh, you're an anarchist? Riddle me this, you ever blown up a builidng?"
"You ever killed a government official?"
"Um, no."
"You're not a fucking anarchist.

by Trek August 31, 2006

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