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Bash: to flame; to put down

A term used when fellow watchers, readers, and fans of an anime/manga/book/TV series put down, flame, and say derogatory things about a certain character or pairing in a nasty way to show their disapproval towards that character and/or pairing. Can be seen both in fanfiction and discussion forums.

Most fans are seen flaming a certain character because he/she is interfering with their favorite pairing in the show:

-In the Digimon 02 fandom, fans who support the pairing Takari (TK x Kari) are usually seen bashing Davis, who has a huge, seemingly annoying, crush on Kari.

-In the Inuyasha fandom, many, many fans bashes the character Kikyo because she interferes with the ever popular Inuyasha x Kagome pairing, since she is Inuyasha's "ex-girlfriend".

by [.Spirit.Nin.] November 29, 2006

35๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


to travel behind a locomotive hauled train of rail carriages (bashing haulage) usually on a Preserved line, 'bashing' has been a gricers term for many a year with thousands of bashers out most weekends doing haulage - and paying good money for the privilege.

'I was bashing the 37's out of Fort William having festered there all night', which means, travelling out of Fort William in the Highlands behind a Class 37 Locomotive having slept on the platform all night.

by thecleaner December 4, 2011

22๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


To masturbate.

The word comes from the phrase "Bash the Bishop" i.e. masturbate. (The Bishop in a game of chess resembles a bell-end.)

I had an epic bash over betty last night. She has some mighty fine ass.

by 1st Earl of Granville February 17, 2009

20๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


v. To bash.
The act of submitting one or more lines from an IRC conversation to the bash.org database.

by Targen December 2, 2002

133๐Ÿ‘ 109๐Ÿ‘Ž


When one takes a hodgepodge of alcohols like vodka, whiskey, beer, etc and pours it into a garbage-can sized container, mixes it together and adds fruit punch to make a sweet tasting incredibly drunkening substance known as "Bash". A very popular beverage at old fashioned block parties.

Never drink Bash if you don't want to get hammered.

by Stevez123 December 19, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Bash (Bourne Again Shell) is the free and enhanced version of the Bourne shell distributed with Linux and GNU operating systems. Bash is similar to the original, but has added features such as command-line editing.

Created to improve on the earlier Bourne shell (named sh), Bash includes features from the Korn shell and the C shell. Bash is intended to conform to the shell standard specified as part of IEEE POSIX. A command language script written for the Bourne shell should also run in the bash shell.

Bash is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL), and it is available for most versions of Unix and Linux and versions have been ported to MS-DOS and Windows.

As explained in the Bash Reference Manual, the name bash is an acronym of "Bourne-again SHell" which is a pun on Stephen Bourne, author of the Bourne shell. Bash is a superset of the earlier shell, and generally compatible with Bourne shell programs.

Guy: I just wrote a bash script to download posts from Reddit to my computer lol
Another: cool

by div__boii-Metalhead4lyf February 11, 2022


Verb: To eat large amounts of food in a very small amount of time.
Adjective: Used to describe a very delicious looking food in which one may eat in large quantities in a very small amount of time.
Noun: Large amounts of food in which will be eaten in a very small amount of time.

"I'm about to bash this pizza."
"This pizza looks so bash."
"Look at all that bash over there."

by ajetjennings December 17, 2015