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Being attracted to both sexes.

My friend Elaine is bisexual, so sometimes she's with a man and sometimes with a woman.

by Anonymous August 31, 2003

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Bisexual means someone being happy dating or having a sexual relationship with both sexes. Bisexual people are not lesbian or gay. Don't get it confused. They are not sex addicted people who just don't give a shit, they are regular people, bisexual is just a label people give them to make them feel like outcats.
If you can't tell I am bisexual:)

Bisexual people don't care if you have a penis or a vagina, they like all of you the same.

by kittycatlover123 December 31, 2015

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A person capable of having physical, romantic, and sexual attraction attractions towards both sexes. What bisexual is NOT: Sex fiends looking to hump everything in sight. Just a phase of confusion. A fad; though for some females it is considered "sexy" to be bisexual. A person who engages in orgies. (Though some do, I'm sure.)

I'm bisexual. :)

by Dark Child July 17, 2003

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Someone who is attracted to men and women. Some bisexuals (like me) are also attracted to non binary and trans people, but not all genders. (Pansexual people are into all genders and they are NOT attracted to pans. You're not being clever with this dumb joke.)

Bisexuality is not:
-a phase
-an attention grab
-being greedy
-being secretly gay or lesbian
-a sin
-something that can be changed

Bisexuality is a natural sexuality. There are bisexual kids, bisexual adults, and even bisexual animals. It was actually considered unusual in ancient Rome to not be bisexual.

(Bisexuality Day is September 23, but we celebrate our bisexuality every day.)

Me: I'm bisexual.
Person: I'm confused. Are you attracted to guys or girls?
Me: *inhales deeply* YES.

by TheRogueToast July 10, 2018

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When somebody is attracted to people of both sexes. Yes, some people claim to be bisexual for attention, but there are many people who are genuinely bi. I'm not sure why people don't think bisexuality exists when it clearly does (it's well-established).

Hattie's bisexuality made her less popular in her homophobic school but she still kept up her bisexuality because she was bisexual, not because she was attention-seeking.

by ImStraightButNotHomophobic... April 28, 2012

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One who is attracted to both sexes.

This most certainly does NOT mean that they are all total whores who sleep with everyone that they see.

Both guys and girls can be bisexual.

Bi guys are not: Really gay just trying to be normal
Bi girls are not: Just saying their bi to get in a guys pants.

I do understand that the above things CAN happen, but you should not assume that every bi person fits into one of those catagories.

Samantha found that she was attracted to girls, thus being bisexual, but she still continued to date her boyfriend. They got married and had two kids.

Jeff started dating Sara, but he found that along with the fact that he liked Dave he was getting mild sexual feelings for him too. He decided that he was bisexual. Eventually, he broke up with Sara and asked Dave out, who turned him down. They are still friends.

by Hailstorm227 September 18, 2006

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I word which means someone who is attracted to members of both sexes.Being bisexual does not nessecarily mean that someone only lusts after both genders for sex but it can also be genuine love for both a male and a female.
Bisexualism is looked down upon in society because people cannot accept it,since they live by tradition and tradition states that man must be with woman and vice verse.When in reality people can do what they fucking want and noone should be able to force they're judgement and make people scared of the world because of it.
But still bisexualism is also used as a means of attention grabbing.Mainly by young teenaged girls who think it's cool to be bisexual.Though they wouldn't nessicarily make out with a girl normally,they would do it for a guy just so that they can date/fuck him.This is one of the things that makes society even more intollerable of bisexual people and I think that girls who pretend to be bisexual should be looked down upon.I mean if you can't get a damn date just get over it and stop lying to people that you're something you're not.
I myself am a bisexual teenagers and everyone thinks I do it for fucking attention.If I wanted attention I'd fake a suicide bombing or jump of a building or some crap like that.
So in conclusion:Not all bisexual people are sex addicts/attention seekers/ungodly/ or whatever society has embeded into your mind that is stereotypical and messed up.They are regualr people with a different sexual orientation.Just get over it.
Thank you.End.

Joan:You know Tiff told John she was bisexual so he would sleep with her.
Emily: But Tiff told me she'd never be bisexual
Joan:She's just doing it for the attention
Emily:I bet

Jake: Hey mom I think I like my friend Ryder,but I really like this girl Lily.Is that wrong
Mother:Not at all.(And example of an adult who can accept her child's orientation.This doesn't happen alot.

by f.o.r.s.a.k.e.n.l.i.l.y January 30, 2006

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