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furry costume

When someone refuses to use the word "fursuit" and instead uses this monstrosity of a phrase

Some 5th grader: "So you are a furry?"
Me: "Yeah i guess"
Some 5th grader: "Then where is your furry costume?"
Me: Proceeds to be disappointed at the misuse of a very uncommon term

by OwO Chowder October 8, 2019

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Costume Gal

A very expressive, mysterious, kinky, exotic, dolled up, provocative, yet fabulous dancer with excessive accents and dance routines. She is not a girl but not a lady, just a gal going through puberty and seeing where her wild side takes her. She loves a chase and always plays hard to get with her fellows but makes them drool over her short bouncy curls that are always ready to jump!

CG: Wanna video chat?
T: suure...
CG: i've gotta lil dance for you honey

T: wtf?

then Costume Gal appears on the screen and dances her heart out to beats such as 50 cent and Akon.

On occasion she has backup gals.

by LXxiii September 1, 2010

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french maid costume

A type of costume ladies like to wear either during Halloween or else while working. Men don't mind the ladies wearing them either.

Have you tried on that french maid costume at Frederick's lately?

Oooh la la. That girl looks cute in the french maid costume, don't you think?

by Moodden December 15, 2007

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costume cache

cheap jewelry left in your home after a one night stand

my costume cache consists of dozens of single earrings, broken necklaces, swatch watches, crappy bracelets and other trinklets left on my nightstand or on the floor and stored in a cigar box after a night of meanless debauchery from some women picked up at a bar.

by bullet88 September 28, 2010

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Rocky Horror Costume

These costumes are those worn by the characters from the play "The Rocky Horror Show" and the movie "The Rocky Horror Picture Show".

They may also be costumes worn by the fans who recreate these costumes to re-enact the film in front of the screen during showings.

If you want to know about Rocky Horror Costumes, Ruth is the one to ask.

by Amadscientist April 7, 2009

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Eat his costume

Term used to describe a person or team being beaten soundly by another.

That quarterback sucks, we're going to eat his costume on Saturday.

Jimmy: "Man, did you see the Alabama game?"
John: "No, why?"
Jimmy: "Auburn ate their costumes. It was 42-0."

by wde10 January 5, 2010

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The costumes were great!

An insulting comment on a theatrical production, disguised as a compliment.

"Dwaaahhling!!! So glad you made it! What did you think of the show?"
"Oh uh...wow! The costumes were great! Where did you hire them?"
Subtext: the acting was wooden; no one knew their lines; I kept looking at my watch. It was a sack of pig shit.

by McCririck's unlucky Laundress September 14, 2005

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