The darawiish flag is any of the assortment of flags used by the dhulbahante community, i.e. NSUM, Khaatumo etc.
thats a darawiish flag
the darawiish diaspora are dhulbahante who live outside their country
she's darawiish diaspora
wiilal darawiish refers to boys of the SSC-Khatumo community
they're wiilal darawiish
darawiish community are the dhulbahante
its the darawiish community
Darawiish feudalism is a social stratification proposed form governance in SSC-Khatumo, largely rejected by the overall SSC-Khatumo community
he proposed darawiish feudalism, which was roundly rejected
the darawiish clan are the dhulbahante
she's of the darawiish clan
To darawiishize is to woo n court a Dhulbahante girl in an attempt to win her over
they darawiishized her all night