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Demanding damsel in distress

The attractive woman at work who plays the coquette and victim when it suits her but also demands respect and advancement. Coworkers either hate her or swoon over her. No one is neutral in their opinions of her.

"Can you believe that Stacey charged her supervisor with harassment? He just asked her to do her job."

"Yeah and now she got a promotion on top of it!"

"She's a demanding damsel in distress."

by Cirdellin January 13, 2010

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distressed british national

A completely drunk British tourist who has lost his passport and or his keys to his hotel while on holiday.

A level of drunkenness reserved for the very special cases where you lose all faculties; keys and passports included.

We had a distressed british national come in at 6am looking for his passport and his hotel key card after he pissed himself.

Did you see Brian last light? I can't believe he drank that much!
Yea, he went full distressed british national last night.

Hope he can find his keys; and a new set of pants.

by RedLeg3 April 17, 2011

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holiday distress syndrome

the period of constant laziness right after the holidays

Girl1: hey ya! hw was skul
Girl2: dang was tired like a matha ey
Girl1: hahaha it cud be that ur sufferin frm HDS
Girl2: HDS?
Girl1: hahaha yeah Holiday Distress Syndrome totally sux ey

by nikey April 30, 2009

Asexual distress

The feeling an asexual person gets when their asexuality is threatened by a concept or individual who gives them the horny.

Person 1: *touches asexual person's side* Gotcha!!

Asexual Person: * blushes uwu * Hey!! Knock it off!!!

Person 2: Yeah, you're giving them asexual distress lol

Person 1: what's that?

Person 2: idk they just screamed that at me when I did that

by Jess-ta trashbag May 18, 2020

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Post Mortem Distress Birthing

Let me guess. You saw this on a reddit post and decided to check if it was real. Its not lol

Person 1: my mother got Post Mortem Distress Birthing
Person 2: that doesnt exist u fucking idiot

by RealXp March 26, 2022

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Borderline Personality Damsel in Distress

An individual who exhibits traits of BPD as described by the DSM V however has not been officially diagnosed with said condition. Is usually stigmatized for β€œdramatic” and β€œhistrionic” behavior.

David rolled his eyes at dinner when Jordan drunkenly lashed out at his Christian mother for misgendering them on the first meeting and called him out for being a borderline personality damsel in distress.

by jkbbrbrg September 2, 2021

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Inbox distress syndrome

When opening your email inbox causes you distress because of the volume of new tasks awaiting you

Co-worker: Why are you crying?
Me: I just came back from vacay and I'm about to check my email but I lost control of my bodily functions because of the fear of what I'm about to unleash.
Co-worker: Yep, thats called Inbox distress syndrome. I get it too.

by Mister Crapaud March 6, 2024