Source Code


good gange or skunk smoked mainly in harry's treehouse(well it is 4 me). can be picked up from most dealers

do u wanna do sum draw, its good shit

by twat face February 1, 2005

10๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


to smoke a cigarette, or to smoke a blunt.

i need to f***in draw right bout now

by Mandy November 17, 2003

9๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


Ok, I will draw then. Watch me!


Yes, that is a drawing of me. Beat that!

by Mister Ignorant April 1, 2004

3๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Similar to "getting read." Can also mean to entice one into a contention, dispute, or antipathy.

Person 1: I always do community service on the weekends.
Person 2: Please, you be in the corner texting on ya phone.
Person 3: Ooooh, you just got drawn. / Ooooh, she drawin' you out. / Ooooh, she drew you out.

by B.R. Jules January 11, 2015

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cadillac Draw

The maximum canteen draw allowed per month in prison.

Ex. 1

Prosecutor: What was the amount of money that was sent by a money order here?

Enriquez: $60, about the maximum canteen draw allowed per month, what we call a Cadillac draw.

Rene 'Boxer' Enriquez, USA v. Jaimez, September 12, 2018.

Ex. 2

Lil Smiley: Odelay vato! Just paid a visit to the canteen! I got six soups, five candy bars, four bags of chips, three mints, two packs of gum, and a partridge in a pear tree!

Spider: Damn fool! You pulled a Cadillac Draw! I'll trade you a couple fuck books and a fifi for the candy bars!

by FAIMnatic October 23, 2020

luck of the draw

the result of something through totally random circumstances - could refer to a situation either in someone's good luck or misfortune.

"I called that company and asked if they had any openings, and they told me they weren't hiring right now. But when I sent in my resume a few days later, they called me up and told me there's a position that would be perfect for my credentials. Hmmmm...luck of the draw I guess!"

"You mean to tell me that when you asked her to go with you to the dance, she said yes?? Geez....she told me she HATES going to those things! That's the luck of the draw for you!"

by Bungalow Bill September 15, 2006

95๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Drawing on a Mustache

When a beautiful woman alters her face in a cute, goofy or otherwise wacky way by "pulling a face" (crossing her eyes, sticking out her tongue, waggling her ears, etc). Sometimes it's an awkward moment. Sometimes it's a romantic moment. sometimes it's both. Regardless, it's adorable.

Although it can momentarily interfere with her attractiveness, it does not in any way diminish it. In many ways it may even accentuate it. Thank you to Esky.

Jack: "hey babe - you're looking hot today."
Jill: "...Bllpffft" (pulls a face - drawing on a mustache)
Jack: โ€œsuch a babe.โ€

by Raspberry Jam October 6, 2009