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Focus Pocus

Divine magic encapsulated in a pill of Adderall. 1/2 hour after ingestion you feel the Pocus and begin to Focus.

"When you have those 3 tests and 2 papers due tomorrow and you haven't done anything for them yet, you need to hit that Focus Pocus."

by Pornelius Hubert October 25, 2018

focus on Uranus

Does the Navy use the stars to navigate, or do they just focus on Uranus?

Does the Navy use the stars to navigate, or do they just focus on Uranus?

by I, Wreckerrr February 7, 2021

laser focus

Intensely paying attention to a single object, concept, person, or activity to the exclusion of everything else.

She had such laser focus on a guy named Chad that she failed to realize that her best friend was in dire trouble.

by Zappoblappo November 27, 2013

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a plumbing focus

This is someone who is fascinated by the anal-genital area of the body and it's function.

Jose had a plumbing focus on women.

by I, Wreckerrr March 13, 2021

svt focus

much under appreciated car euro packages have the same seats of a b6 s4 and the 6 speed out of a mini cooper s

wow that svt focus has that and costs less than a mk4gti and a ep3 si neat

by ishkabibble October 17, 2012

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focus fire

In an MMORPG, when a group of players attacks a single target.

Let's focus fire this boss, ignore the mobs, let's just finish him off quickly.

by Tophbeifong November 7, 2014


A person who makes their living by participating in as many focus groups as possible.

Jennifer is a Focus-Groupie - all she does is participate in focus groups for a living.

by thejdog2007 May 20, 2009