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Lets see then . . . well grungers are teenagers (normally boys but there are girl grungers too) that mainly listen to: Rock, Hard Rock, Metal, Heavy Metal, Hard Metal, Love Metal, New Wave Of British Metal a.k.a NWOBM (eg: iron maiden), Gothic Metal, Gothic Rock.

Grungers wear: baggy jeans (normally cost Β£40), long t - shirts with a band name on it, hoodies with band name on it, skateboarding shoes or boots, chains.

Many people have made the mistake that grungers skateboard. Well this is wrong, a skater is someone that skateboards and generally listens to Punk music and other bands like Red Hot Chilli Peppers. Grungers don’t have to skate (I don’t) but can do if they wish.

A grunger doesn't get into fights but only resorts to violence as a last resort.

A grunger's most hated enemy is a townie; townies are scumbags that wear disgusting (unisex) tight clothing, listen to garage music and speak in an untranslatable language.

General Info:
Grungers normally get their clothes from Camden Market.

Most Grungers get a kick out of extreme gore!

A grunger’s favourite colour is normally black.

Most grungers scar old people (not intentionally) lol.

Grungers have long hair.

Grungers don't care what others think, as long as they're happy with what they wear, listen too and do in life, then a grunger is on top of the world :)


current artists in my "listening to" pile: marilyn manson, white zombie, HIM, cradle of filth, rob zombie, slipknot, iron maiden.

by Robert June 26, 2004

632πŸ‘ 551πŸ‘Ž


Grungers do not really care what they wear. They think chavs are the lowest of the low, and that townies should be shot.
They are usually quite good-hearted, easy-going, happy people who don't spend much money on clothes.
They usually have a good register of language and they are often quite knowledgeable or clever.

Idiot: You're stupid.
Grunger: Is that so? Oh well.
Idiot: You're f*cked up and freaky.
Grunger: Ok then.
*Listens to music and ignores idiot*

by Steel Maiden April 10, 2007

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


NOT somebody who likes Avril Lavigne.

--Two random townie girls were randomly walking in a random park one random day--
Shiniqua: So..what are we doing here?
Nicky: Having a fag, innit?
Shiniqua: But you're pregnant babes.
Nicky: Really?
Shiniqua: yep.
Nicky: How bloody stereotypical
Shiniqua: That's..kinda the point
Nicky: Oh, right then
*out of nowhere Avril Lavigne appears*
Avril Lavigne: Mwhahaha
Nicky: A- grunger?
Shiniqua: *hyperventilates* she's wearing black!!!
Nicky: Noooo *faints even though she's a hard townie, innit*
Avril Lavigne: Boo?
Shiniqua: Ahhh. *faints on top of Nicky*
-Random townie male jumps out of bush-
Kev: Wickkked! Its Nicky! And Shiniqua! On top of each other!
Avril Lavigne: *blinks* helllooo? You're like totally meant to be like scared of me, cos I'm like totally different!
Kev: Oh. Right then. *melts into a puddle of scaredness*
Avril Lavigne: BWHAHAHA everybody fears meh! {yes, meh}
*Grunger skates {its MEANT to be stereotypical damnit!} on the scene, listenign to music*
Avril Lavigne: Yo! Sk8r Boi! Fear meh!
Grunger: ...
Avril Lavigne: TOWNIE! You're not listening to my music and I am so puNK rAwK!!11 You can't be grunge and NOT listen to my music.
Grunger: ... You know you're not really.
Avril Lavgine: I AM! Look I can skate and EVERYBODY who is grunge skates!
Grunger: *rolls eyes*
Avril: *grabs skateboard*
*attempts to skate*
*topples off*
Grunger: Whoops. Oh well. *leaves*
--A whole bunch of ten year olds with blunt studs from Claire's Accessories and wearing t-shirts saying "punk" in pink glittery letters come mourn.--
(Lol enjoy the story?)

by One more time with feeling October 17, 2004

514πŸ‘ 453πŸ‘Ž


Oh my god. You english pricks are so fucking stupid. Grunge isn't a trend. It's a way of life. Grunge isn't Smashing Pumpkins, Foo Fighters, Creed etc. its Malfunkshun, Mono Men, Love Battery, Green River, Temple Of The Dog, TAD, Mother Love Bone, The Melvins, Mudhoney, Screaming Trees, Skin Yard, Alice In Chains, etc.

Nirvana and Pearl Jam aren't exactly Grunge, people just confused them for being grunge cause they were in the Seattle area. They didn't even like being called grunge. (according to Wikipedia)

The only Nirvana songs that can be considered Grunge were their hits "You Know You're Right", "About a Girl" and "Heart-Shaped Box"..."Smells Like Teen Spirit" would classify as Hard Rock. Not Grunge...

Also...Grunge isn't dead. There are still many Grunge bands in the Seattle area, they're just not well known enough to even get a record deal...

And "Grungers" don't wear trashy clothes. They wear whatever the hell they can afford. Stop trying to make Grunge a trend.

English people don't know what the hell a "Grunger" actually is.

by a person who knows his shit June 17, 2006

52πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


a grunger is usually a teenager that listens to grunge music such as nirvana,and wears dark hoodys and jeans and it is common for them 2 hav long hair , they are also usually stoners that r up for a laf but not always, they always hate townies who TRY 2 beat them up for no apparent reason as they will start on anything that moves. their music is great and townies suck cos thy r a bunch of non fashionable rejects.


by chris February 2, 2004

25πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Usually considered a mix of a hippy and a punk. Chilled out guys and girls who listen to grunge: nirvana, soundgarden, hole, mudhoney, pearl jam, stone temple pilots and other Seattle based Sun-Pop bands and also alternative rock and indie: smashing pumpkins, sonic youth etc. Usually wears thrift shop clothing or hand-me-downs. Normally creative and well educated(which is why they live an alternative lifestyle) and usually friendly types =P

um just gave loads ^^^^ of grungers

by Leo the rabbi of rock July 7, 2006

13πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Grunger can be a couple different things, they could also be called rocker,mosher,and even somtimes stoner...if ur like uber mellowed out, but im going to use the one for my school. A grunger is someone who dosnt follow the crowd, and dont give a rats ass what people think about them. They might dress dirty or unclean. Might wear ripped or baggy jeans, and chains, and a band shirt. Maybe even some flannel. their hair might be greasy and long and messy. grungers like to rokc out in mosh pits, and some grunge bands like to go all out, like break stuff and jump into the pits, basically they like to rock. but outside them, grungers are typically melow people who dont like to fight much. certain ones often mumble and speak unclearly or in a distorted voice. i myself am a grunger. i pretty much do everything one here. now this might not be right as a definition, but then again. its the one we use in my school, so before u even say, "dude ur all rong, this is bull shit, ur a f**king idiot", remember, ITS MY F**KING DEFINITION U DOUCHE!!!!!

Kurt Cobain (father of grunge)

That kid looks like a grunger, hes really unclean and dirty.

by istivyx July 18, 2006

10πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž