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Someone you know you shouldn't be with but you are. You know there going to break your heart but you still hold on because you love them. They know what bothers you and what you love. They might break your heart more than once so be warned...

Yeah...she was such a heartbreaker.

by XxUnkownxX July 9, 2016

33πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


1. Someone who breaks hearts.
2. An beautiful woman/handsome man who is completely out of your league.

1. That guy has a lot of girlfriends, he's a heartbreaker.
2. Look how gorgeous that woman is, she's such a heartbreaker, I know I have no chance with her.

by yourface1985 June 4, 2009

186πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž


Something that breaks your heart.

Hearing that Bryce had cheated on me was absolutely heartbreaking.

by Abbsolutelynotabby August 14, 2014

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


When someone you love, cheats on you or breaks your heart. It's the worst feeling ever. You just don't wanna live. & You feel like you were neverr good enoughh. Orr that you just weren't what they wanted. You question if your relationship even meant anythingg. & You have major trust issues afterwards. Let's put it this way, after heartbreak, you're never the same..

Heartbreak sucks!

by Leeeuh (: July 31, 2010

24πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


One of those feelings that never seem to go away. The one where every single thing left and right will remind you of the person that once loved you as much as you love them. You still love them, but they have let go, given up on you. It's not just a mental feeling, but when it happens you feel this pain right where your heart is. Like your heart is actually breaking, and I believe it actually is.

This is the worst heartbreak yet.

by Its not over February 14, 2009

313πŸ‘ 136πŸ‘Ž

A heartbreaker

Someone who meticulously slices open your still beating cardiovascular organ ,while it still rests in your chest and they very carefully dismember, painstakingly lay each bloody and lacerated chunk of flesh on a cold ,fluorescent light reflective metal tray that clinks as the metal tools are jostled from the movement of the cart wheeling of the operating room.

They go home, your pulverized, shredded heart chunks sloshing in the leftover plastic target bag they acquired on their weekly paper towel run, and before going to sleep they will lay out a fluffy blanket in front of their warm fireplace, and joyfully lift one bloody chunk of flesh at a time, flicking the dripping fluids off of it and then tossing it into the flame. Listening to the sizzle of your flesh of the fire that luls them to a blissful nights rest.

Or guys who’s names start with J.

Whichever man.....

Person one\ β€œwow she’s going to be a heartbreaker isn’t she(chuckles) pointing at the mothers charming and cute daughter β€œ

The mother having read my definition / *look of shocked and cold terror crosses her eyes* why would you say that * a single year drips from her cheek*

by Plant lady December 19, 2020


Its a feeling that yu never really understand untill its yu experiencing it . This is the worst feeling in the world . Its when yu are completely in love w/ someone , who doesnt seem to care . Or w/ someone whos heart is taken by someone else && yu juss think to yurself "That use to be me" Yur life seems pointless && yu cant help but to think yu did something wrong . Yu replay every memory or moment yu had with this person . Yu cant sleep , cant eat , &&cant get over that person . Everything yu do brings yu back to the thought of this person . Yu try to get over them but yu cant . Yu miss them with all yur heart . Yu juss want them back in yur life . Yur only desire is for things to be the way they use to be . But yu can never change yur past && yu cant go back so yu juss have to learn to accept the fact that it happened && its never gonna be the same again . The one person who could make yur life worth living && happy , juss doesnt feel the same . This feeling eats yu alive untill inside yur dead as can be . Nothing can help this feeling && the one yur truely in love with , yeah yur always gonna have feelings for them . Yu may replace the feeling of sadness lonliness && emptiness with hatred because yu cant help but to feel hate for this person who did this to yu . Yu soon realize they are happy with the person they are with && all yu are to them is a fading memory . Yu wonder how they get over it so fast or how they move on so quickly , && yu wonder "Why cant i move on ?"

Im experiencing heartbreak and hurt juss like when a death comes upon yu , except worse .

by CrazyChicaPatricia June 19, 2010

28πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž