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back seat baby

Term meaning WHORE when there are seven year olds in the room.

"You don't want your identity to be the biggest back seat baby in the school."

by VapoRub Baby April 30, 2006

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Back-Seat Baby

A baby conceived from having sex in a car, usually, but not limited to, the backseat.

Because Ricky and Charlotte have only had sex once, in the back-seat of his car, and she is now pregnant, her child would be considered a Back-Seat Baby.

by Charlotte Lyons March 21, 2009

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back- seat betty

Someone who frequently has sex on the first date or first encounter.

Jan's friends refer to her as back- seat betty because of her many one night stands.

by mariy November 12, 2007

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back seat surfer

A/the person standing behind you, trying to encourage you to click on a Youtube link that they want to see.

"Nooooo! Save Two Girls and A Cup for your own time, you back seat surfer!"

"Aww. I don't want to be Rick Rolled again. Quit being a back seat surfer."

by The Mar June 21, 2008

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back seat twister

The act of having sex in the back seat(s) of a vehicle

Me and my girlfriend played back seat twister lastnight

by M40_Kid March 9, 2015

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back seat lifing

Like 'back seat driving', back seat lifing means a more knowledgable person will want to help the stuggling person with all decisions, as they clearly have no idea of what they are doing. A back seat lifer has been there and done that many times before and just wants to pass on his immense knowledge of everything.

Man walks in holding a beer, another man back seat lifing says "don't hold it like that, it should be held like this"

Man sharpening a pencil, another man back seat lifing says "don't sharpen it like that, it should be sharpened like this"

Man standing minding his own business man back seat lifing says "don't stand there like that, you should be standing like this"

by Punter Boy February 1, 2010

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back-seat browser

someone who looks over your shoulder as you browse the internet and tells you where to go and what links to click. An office-mate. he usually will also read the contents of your browsing.

"I was on google today shopping, but John kept back-seat browsing and telling me where to shop. what a back-seat browser"

by Coot77 May 31, 2009

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