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The term derived from the Insance Clown Posse in the late 80's at the start of their career. It was mainly meant to define people who were to different ,like them, to be accepted in other social groups and they can socialize and relate to one another but with no offense to anyone else. A juggalo is not a fan or groupie of the Insane Clown Posse, that would just be a fan. It's more of a state of mind and a real juggalo never stereotypes him/herself just like the punks did in the 70's, but just like the punks, juggalos were misunderstood, manipulated and exploited in being something that they're not. A juggalo has nothing to do with ICP's music, style, or often times offensive lyrics. The deeper meaning of juggalo falls into category with originality. ICP calls themselves juggalos, they can't possibly be a fan of their own music especially when the term was made up before they were big.

guy 1: check out that juggalo man
guy 2: he's not a juggalo, look at the t-shirt he's wearing, he's defeating the whole purpose.

by sokal November 3, 2005

1553๐Ÿ‘ 1608๐Ÿ‘Ž


Let me start off by saying that I have been listening to ICP for many years, probably much longer that any other person on here. I picked up their "Beverly Kills" CD back sometime in late 1993, not having a clue as to who they are. Back then, "juggalos" didn't even really exist. I got into the whole Juggalo phase around 95, until about 99 or so, when they came out with "jeckel brothers". I bought a few t-shirts, lighters, hats, and other merchandise. I had all their CDs. I called myself a "juggalo". But then, guess what? I grew up!

Juggalos back then were different than the "juggalos" of today. Back then, we were just a bunch of people who liked ICP and got together at concerts for a good time. Now, it has transformed into this whole serious following. Kids are buying up the merchandise like candy, using the ICP lingo, and taking it completely seriously. The juggalo scene now is most closely comparable to the goth scene. They claim to be "non-conformist" and "different", yet they all dress the same, talk the same, and have lost all identity. Ask a Juggalo for a universally accepted definition of the word "juggalo". They can't give you one, just like goths. And they don't realize that psychopathic records has turned into a big money-making juggernaut. Just look at their website. T-shirts for 25-70 dollars, hockey jerseys, jackets, hats, thongs, etc. How many different "Riddlebox" designs can they come up with? They keep re-designing and pumping out the same shit. Its all about money now. The juggalos are making them into millionaires, and they are loving it!

And whats with that fucking 6th joker card? Announcing that they are a religious group? That was the lamest thing I have ever heard. And the juggalos of today, once again, blindly follow whatever ICP says. It has all just become so serious. Its just music, people! There is no need to get obsessed, and make your life revolve around psychopathic records. The honest truth is, they dont give a flying fuck about you. What they give a fuck about is one thing, and thats money. They are driven by profits. Nomatter what they tell you, no matter what they do, and nomatter what they would like to have you believe. If you don't believe me, ask yourself this: when is the last time they did anything for you for free (sampler CDs don't count)? Why do they charge such a ridiculous amount of money for merchandise? Because they know you will pay it, that's why. Why do they try to cram said merchandise down your throat? Because they know you will buy anything that says "ICP" on it, thats why.

Do I still listen to ICP? Absolutely. The Calm is a good CD. So is Hell's Pit. Do I wear ICP merchandise? Sometimes. Do I walk around, decked out in all psychopathic gear, calling people ninjas, and preach the ways of the dark carnival like a new-school juggalo faggot? NO! Get your head outta your asses.

Juggalo: Yo NINJA! Im gonna go to shangri-la and get mad neden. MCL dawg.

Me: Grow the fuck up kid.

Juggalo: U just a juggahater! U aint no juggalo! Fuck u!

Me: Oh yea? Well, in the words of your own great leader, Violent J, "I wrote the book, I was out robbin' liquor stores, where u were just a nutstain in ur mama's drawers", bitchboy!

by MacDAS October 28, 2006

341๐Ÿ‘ 334๐Ÿ‘Ž


I happen to be a juggalo, BUT I am going to write this fairly and maturely:
First off, what is a juggalo? Well that's a hard question. It really almost can't be described. It's a feeling, a state of mind. It's a way of life almost. Juggalos don't give a fuck what people think about them and are completely true to themselves. I've seen emo juggalos, goth juggalos, and even gay juggalos.
The only excpetion is racist juggalos. There is no such thing as a racist juggalo because one of the fundamental "laws" of the juggalo is that they can not hate anyone for gender, age, size, race, or preferences.
Also, I think saying all juggalos are 13-year-old wiggers who can't spell is rather wrong. Sure, many can be immature, but hell anyone from any group can be immature. As for "wiggers" not all juggalos act like "gangsters" and juggalos are of many ethnicities.
Another of the fundamental "laws" of the juggalo is to always respect every other juggalo and treat them like family, whether you got a beef with them or not. While this rule is often bent and/or broken, many juggalos follow this rule strictly.
However, one of the biggest misconceptions about the juggalos is that people think they do whatever ICP tells them. That's not a juggalo, that's a sheep, and those people, frankly, have no life. Hell, I listen to Eminem a bit, and I have an 8 Mile movie poster. Does that make me fake? No! And anyone that thinks it does can suck my balls off! But anyways, I'm starting to ramble here soo yeh...
~Also, Juggalos are NOT ICP fans.~ ICP refer to themselves as juggalos meaning they can't be fans of themselves. (Well, I guess technically they could, but still...)
The Juggalo also believes in the "prophecy of the Dark Carnival." While this is highly debated about being far-fetched, if you ignore the Carnival mask of it, the 6 Jokers Cards make sense and are meaningful.
And for the record, juggalos happen to not wear facepaint every day (I wear it only on special occasions like Halloween or parties), and most of us are normal people and actually pretty cool and funny.
In conclusion, let's not steteotype juggalos. There IS no stereotype because the whole point of "juggalism" is being yourself. The "stereotypical" juggalo is more commonly known as a fake and a sheep. And just because someone is a juggalo doesn't mean that he/she is a freak. Why not try to talk to us and see for yourself sometime?

Note: There is no such thing as a juggalette. Juggalo is a uni-sex term. Juggalette was probably made up by some dumb feminist bitch who said Juggalo was sexist and threatened to sue ICP or something.

Guy 1: Hey look at that weird ass kid over there! What a nerd!

Guy 2: Do you even know him?

Guy 1: No, but he's a fucking juggalo! I heard other juggalos call him Twitchy! What a fag! I bet he smokes dope and is poor and ditches school everyday!

Guy 2: Dude, he's actually a pretty cool guy, and he happens to be middle class, straight-edge, and gets B's...

Guy 1: Well still...

Guy 2: Just shut up.

by MikehtheFreak March 13, 2006

1300๐Ÿ‘ 1362๐Ÿ‘Ž


A member of the psychopathic family. Each an individual themselves, wont hesitate to help family. Dedicated to ICP and psychopathic records. Flyers of the hatchet manx the most hated people in the world.... but SO TFW. Hey I got news for you ignorant asses, tech n9ne, kmk lil wyte twiztid three 6 mafia and prozak are juggalos too. Plus cannibal corpse, static x and a crapload more huge artists and people go to gatherings. Icp has held hunger drives toys for tots, all kinds of charity drives and events. Oh btw unlike most of the other rappers and stars. THEY DID IT WITHOUT THE PUBLICITY. Meaning it didn't get filmed by news five or any other press when opening. They did it because they care. Whoop Whoop to the family out there and dont let the ignorant subjects of douchopilous get you down. Stay strong live long and wave those hatches in the air. Im a successful mechanic with a bachelor's degree, but a juggalo first

Everyone of y'all means everything to me,

We bleed for yall thas why we call it family

Twiztid-we don't die

by shaggalicious May 29, 2014

17๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


Lowlife, classless losers with potentially up to, but not surpassing, a second grade education. Though the word "juggalo" would normally be capitalized due to being a "proper noun", it should not be because a. it's not a real word, and b. any juggalo lacks any and every integral importance to justify achieving such prestige.
Prone to being extremely violent for no reason and ambushing those smaller (though, this is not difficult to find considering all juggalos are extremely obese) with numbers as large as 15 (juggalose) to 1 (non-juggalo), then thinking they are "awesome" because they can take out one puny person (but cannot fight fair).

"Hey, did you hear about those juggalos in the news, raping that 90 year old woman?"
"Yeah, and did you hear that they dropped out of middle school?"
"No... I heard they dropped out of elementary school."

by Over the Edge Fear December 5, 2011

25๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


Write this down and remember it: There are no rules to being a Juggalo. There are no initiations, no requirements, and no one can say you don't meet Juggalo standards. We are not a gang, you don't gotta wear colors or know signs, or fuck anybody. It's this simple: if you listen to Psychopathic music, and you feel it, you relate to what it's saying and what it's about, then you're a Juggalo. If you got shit goin on that you just can't handle alone, and the Dark Carnival and your Juggalo family make it better, then you're a Juggalo. Everything you need to know is there in the music. Everyone expresses it in different ways, and of course we love our hardcore Juggalos, reppin the Hatchet 24/7, but if your broke ass don't have a single T-shirt, you're no less a Juggalo.

juggalos and juggalettes got each other back and chill and reppin the hachet 24/7

by Chris Boone February 21, 2008

863๐Ÿ‘ 911๐Ÿ‘Ž


either a really fat guy or boney guy that stinks picks on little kids and gets beaten up every other day by some one half his size thats why they are not on gangland because only hard core gangsters can be on gangland and not a bunch of pussies who call them selves a family

juggalo is another word for fagget

by xBRAVERYx November 11, 2010

50๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž