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Republicans that smoke weed.

Zeke was against social welfare programs, but he liked his weed so he became a Libertarian.

by jigoro April 25, 2011

1709๐Ÿ‘ 1109๐Ÿ‘Ž


A libertarian is someone who only cares about themselves and has no idea how politics work. A libertarian believes tehy should be free to do whatever they want, within limits they consider reasonable, and other people should be free to leave libertarians alone. They believe that passing a law will make things happen with no regards to things like cause and effect. Their political ideals align more closely with Lincoln era Republicans or with FDR era Democrats, but they will vote for whoever makes promises that libertarians want to hear.

My friend ended a political discussion by declaring he is a libertarian, meaning he believes he is right and will not listen to other views.

by AIGeneratedBot November 18, 2020

63๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


A former Republican who grew larger balls and decided to say fuck the establishment.

I became Libertarian once I fully understood the Constitution.

by B-Dogg October 18, 2003

5889๐Ÿ‘ 4265๐Ÿ‘Ž


1)In America, this term is used to describe the economic policy known as liberalism in Europe and Latin America.
2)Also an anti-authoritarian ideology, usually associated with Anarchism.

1)Libertarians believe in free-market capitalism and property rights are a central tennet of their philosophy.
2)To avoid being confused with terrorists, anarchists sometimes call themselves libertarians.

by unem May 29, 2005

385๐Ÿ‘ 269๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Republican with a bong.

Libertarians think they should be able to do as they please, including ignoring our human responsibility to help each other.

by mistah charley, ph.d. September 17, 2007

665๐Ÿ‘ 510๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Republican who wants to smoke pot and have wild sex.

Bob Barr voted for the Patriot Act, but somehow got addicted to pot and butt sex, so he became a Libertarian so it wouldn't look so bad if someone found out about it.

by Monday's Dusk February 22, 2009

757๐Ÿ‘ 620๐Ÿ‘Ž


A pot-smoking conservative

This person voted for Bush, but wants to legalize weed? He must be a libertarian.

by AJ89 July 11, 2008

594๐Ÿ‘ 519๐Ÿ‘Ž