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Phil Partin...*trails off* see also: CartoonChess

1:Hey Matt wheres Mooch?
2:Last I saw that white boy he was playin the funky music of the heezy fosheez-
1:Nevermind..I see him..MOOCHIE!

by Β§tar September 30, 2003

3πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


a guy who goes to your wedding and doesn't give you a gift and/or a guy who keeps all the money from an NCAA pool

That mooch screwed me out of a wedding gift

by g money August 8, 2003

2πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Mathew Hunter Cullen

My friend came over today and he Mathew Cullened all my food! What a Mooch.

by Scott & Justin February 12, 2008

1πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A coach who is essentially worthless to a young, inexperienced team. On the other hand he might adequately take an experienced team to the play-offs; however only if he stays out of the way and doesn't force his limp wristed offense down their throats.

The Detroit Lions had a coach nick named mooch

by XlgRev October 3, 2007

1πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A fat gimpy bitch with holes in his legs. Resides in "NOVA" and named Kevin Besserer.

"Kevin stop eating everyone else's food. Your such a fucking mooch."

by Dean Jimmy February 3, 2009

1πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Being fired at a job less than two weeks after starting.

"Hey, I thought you just started working at a Fast Food Restaurant what happened?"
"Boss caught me taking a leak in the jar of pickles and I got mooched."

by louiseharp July 31, 2017


noun: mooch; plural noun: mooches

A Mooch is a specific unit of measurement denoting ten (10) days of employment. The word is a Eponymously named after Anthony Scaramucci who was employed as the White House Communications Director in the U.S. President Trump administration for ten (10) days.

"I've been at my new place of employment for one mooch and I can tell that it is going to work out just fine!"

"Carl certainly has his life together. He's been employed at a Whitley Penn for over 180 mooches."

"I've been trying to suck my own cock for the past mooch; however, I haven't even managed to get just the tip."

by RomulusAugustus August 3, 2017

182πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž