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eternal optimist

1. A person who never ceases to give up hope in something they believe.

2. A person who will continue to believe in something or a positive outcome till the end of time.

That James is such an eternal optimist, i have never seen him worried a day of his life.

by D2012 November 5, 2007

134👍 20👎

Optimistic Pessimism

Hope for the best; prepare for the worst.

Optimistic pessimism is a great way to live your life, because you can't lose.

People who argue that optimistic pessimism - or any kind of pessimism for that matter - is a self fulfilling argument are just naive irrational pseudo-philosophical hippies.

by I hate optimists April 25, 2010

128👍 23👎

blindly optimistic

often associated with a person who is optimistic to the point that they seem to forget or ignore the obvious shittiness of the situation or activity

dude we got to try harder, we are about to fail

at least we tried and at least we had fun...

you are too blindly optimistic

so, at least I'm optimistic

(to others) i rest my case

by bravo-tango-7-2-7-4 April 13, 2018

Optimist Prime

Someone who always looks on the brightside in even the most depressing situation.

Klein thanked God he at least had most of his leg. He is such an optimist prime.

by Optimist Prime April 30, 2007

50👍 8👎

Pessimistic Optimist

It has many meanings such like :
- taking a precaution to prevent a near death experience
- level of optimism
- they see the cup as nor half full or half empty as to them it is constantly filling whilst constantly emptying
- for a good thing to happen a bad must follow and vice versa

our everyday lives are contributed to by pessimists, optimists and pessimistic optimists. An example of this is that : the optimists invent the aeroplane (great invention defies gravity and stuff), then the pessimists come along and think “no I don’t like that” so they come up with the parachute. Hey presto two great inventions one from a hopeful lunatic and one paranoid hopeful. You have the plane but how about the glider? Once again the optimists make them and such the pessimists the parachute. Now who tests it? The pessimist won’t yet as the optimist trusts his handiwork to much he want to go without any safety so the pessimist stops him. Now no one’s testing it. “I know” they think and they go fetch Dave from the local cafe. Everyone say hi Dave...Now Dave is s pessimistic optimist and he loves the idea of just gliding down to earth however he doesn’t want to die if it goes wrong so he takes the pessimist’s parachute. This is one definition of a pessimistic optimist: taking a precaution to prevent death or severe pain.

by camacam2 July 12, 2010

75👍 14👎

False optimist

Somebody that keeps trying to tell you it's all good between you and them (despite every indication to the contrary) or that you've forgiven and forgotten everything on their end, even though you're not forgiving or senile by nature.

The real cynics are the ones that seem to think everything is okay with everybody all the time, or that everything will be okay, so people shouldn't worry. That is false optimism, and people (a false optimist) who think that way are not good liars.

by The Original Agahnim August 31, 2021

29👍 4👎

False optimist

People that are realistic about life might not make good liars either, but at least they don't put up a paper thin facade of being optimists where there is no good reason to be optimistic about something or someone.

A false optimist is the most negative kind of person around beneath the surface, but what's on the surface is everything to someone like that. What they have to show others for something is everything, even though it's phony.

by The Original Agahnim August 31, 2021

29👍 4👎