Yo that banana got diagnosed with "Emo potassium"
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More scientifically accurate, Potassium Yttrium Sulfide, this spells KYS. If somebody tells you this, they either respect you enough to shit on you or really fucking hate you.
Doctor: I think you're retarded.
Retard: What can I do doctor?
Doctor: One 10mg pill of potassium yttrium sulfur should be sufficient.
Retard: thx doc!
When in solution, this particular compound gives an absolutely gorgeous pink-purple colour.
As a solid, it is black, but sparkly black!
It has therefore endeared itself to many a Chemistry A level student!
It is also known as Potassium Permanganate.
"What's your favourite colour?"
"Potassium manganate VII in solution..."
*sigh* "PURPLE"
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Also known as Potassium Yttrium Sulfide. If somebody mentions this to you, they are quite literally saying KYS. As always, when somebody tells you to KYS, it is either a sign of true friendship or they fucking hate you.
Kentucky Inbred Male: heya doc i just pipe mi cousin! fuck 12!
Doctor: I can prescribe a 10mg dose of Potassium Yttrium Sulfur. Please administer rectally.
Kentucky Inbred Male: tanks doc! hit me up wid da addys next time!
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Snow that will fall in the form of potassium when the end is near or the end is here
"There's some potassium snow"
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An intelligent way to say FUCK . Each element has a letter to represent it, Fluorine= F, Uranium=U, Carbon=C, Potassium= K.
Also Yittrium Oxygen Uranium can be added to say YOU.
Person 1: "Its your turn to clean the toilet."
Person 2: "Fluorine Uranium Carbon Potassium!"
Person 1: "Fluorine Uranium Carbon Potassium the test is today!"
Chem Teacher: "I see you're practice your elements for your test, good job!"
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The first 4 elements that sixth graders would try and look for when seeing the periodic table for the first time.
Kid 1: Hey, that's element F! I think it's pronounced fluorine!
Kid 2: I found C! C is for carbon!
Kid 1: And that's K! It stands for...potassium? What?
Kid 2: Is there a U somewhere?
Kid 1: I still don't get it, why is potassium called K?
Kid 3: Guys I found it! Down here! It's called uranium!
Kid 2: Oh yeah!
Kids 1, 2, and 3: (chanting) Fluorine uranium carbon potassium! Fluorine uranium...
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