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Hall of Preggers

A place where two or more women who are pregnant and in close proximity to each other, but do not have husbands, fiancees or otherwise dependable men in their lives.

Man 1: "Hey, I see Jessica and Karen are shopping together."

Man 2: "Yeah, they are the Dynamic Duo from Planet Baby Momma."

Man 1: "What?"

Man 2: "Yep, they roam the earth with their unwanted kids in a dangerous quest to find the Welfare Check since their Baby Daddies are too busy having sex with other chicks. It's the only way they can inspire the success of baby mommas everywhere."

Man 1: "Oh, where do they meet?"

Man 2: "At the Hall of Preggers, of course!"

by Preggerses July 20, 2011

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Pregger Preps

The kind of girls I hit on at my middle school with hopes of drinking their urine and breast milk.

Me: So you're going to have a baby?
Alicia: Duh...
Me: Is the dad still around?
Alicia: No that fucker left.
Me: Well if you ever feel lonely, here's my digits!

by Karate Jesus October 27, 2004

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preggers mood

when you want a dick so big it gives your baby dimples

im in the preggers mood

by dragzilla9000 April 2, 2016

pregger poppers

large pregnant boobies

The woman's Pregger poppers were distracting.

by Booger Boo October 5, 2013

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pregger shakes

a pregnancy scare

i've got the pregger shakes, i'm waiting for the red tide!

joe had no job, no money, no prospects, but did have the pregger shakes!

by michael foolsley January 11, 2010

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pregger parts

The parts of the female body that specifically relate to pregnancy and sexual reproduction.

Ryan: Jaeda, have you used your pregger parts yet?
Jaeda: ......
Ryan: She has! She used her pregger parts! I knew it!

by Shoie13 February 15, 2009

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pregger slushy

When a pregnant woman slips on ice and causes an abortion.

person 1-" oh shit Lacey, what the hell?"
Lacey- " my baby, oh my God! I slipped on the ice and my baby squirted out."
person 1- " oh no! you caused a pregger slushy on public property.".

by Henry h20 August 11, 2006

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