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1. Someone terrified by the idea that someone, somewhere, might be earning money.

2. Someone who wants to move the country progressively closer to socialism.

Dave just blew his raise on an extension for his house but keeps going on about how evil the corporations are.

He's so progressive, man.

by Dark Eden July 31, 2009

695πŸ‘ 2044πŸ‘Ž


Living proof that stupidity has no limits. Progressives are people who think a government that runs record deficits should have the power to make businesses operate in a fiscally responsible manner.

Oh you ran up your credit card to the maxium and then took out a new one? How Progressive.

by BlueDelta February 3, 2010

620πŸ‘ 2002πŸ‘Ž


A simple, innocuous and arguably positive word that has beenβ€”in recent timesβ€”more and more associated with left-wing politics.

Little do people remember the ACTUAL definition of the word progressive.

Me: did you know that the word progressive means "happening or developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step"?

My friend: no I did not, I thought it was just a derogatory term for liberals.

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian February 2, 2020

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


1. The new Derogatory term for "Libtard" aka "Liberal" aka Commie or Socialist.

2. Individual in favor of reviving said early 1900's movement to cull corporate and government corruption, protecting the average American, and expanding civil rights.

1. Damn Progressives! They want to destroy our way of life by taxing the shit out of us and making the government run every damn thing by socialising America so they can bow down to those terrorists and commies while taking away our guns so that we can't fight back. Fucking Liberal baby killing pinko unamerican surrenderist welfare state handout socialists!

2. Damn government! They're robbing the middle class Americans so they can give money to the rich by cutting their taxes and bailing them out with our social security we paid for and giving them monopolies on everything we damn well need like gas and healthcare while they screw over the working class who can barely keep a family working 3 different jobs! Fucking scumbags want to cut low income benefits so we all end up like penniless beggers on the street so the wall street fat cats can buy better private jets.

by CommandoDude August 31, 2010

72πŸ‘ 256πŸ‘Ž


The flip side of the Fox News viewer. Like their conservative counterparts progressives believe themselves intellectually and morally superior to anyone of a different political persuasion. Also Like the Fox News junkie they often ruin your Thanksgivings and turn every conversation into a political one so they can excuse and ignore the failures of their life. They consume an unhealthy amount of news (usually TYT) and can be found jerking each other off on reddit. Also like the Fox News conservative They see the world as black and white and are responsible for the death of civility, empathy, and community. Progressive snobs and conservative trolls have turned the internet into an embarrassing nightmare.

Hey John are you a progressive or conservative? Neither, I enjoy peace and harmony. I’m also allergic to bullshit.

by Poopooonyou March 29, 2020

6πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Progressive Snail

When a person crawls out from under a bed they become a progressive snail.
Progressive snail

Benny crawled out from under the bed like a progressive snail

by The Fairy Sesh Mother February 17, 2019

75πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Progressive Karen

A rich old white women who thinks she is woke hip and trendy by culturally appropriating youth culture.

Progressive Karen over there just described herself as Woke!

by Enderlee February 7, 2020