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Kindling or a Cigarette

Back in Nero’s day he would grab a few fags from the local Christian church and use em as lighting for his gay orgies ☺️

by Enderlee October 26, 2022


Cigarette or kindling, something that is flammable.

Italian: I miss the Roman Empire, wish we could grab a few fags from the Vatican and have a gay orgy

by Enderlee February 23, 2021

Progressive Karen

A rich old white women who thinks she is woke hip and trendy by culturally appropriating youth culture.

Progressive Karen over there just described herself as Woke!

by Enderlee February 7, 2020


Piece Of Crap! some out of touch old, white, social Darwinist, racist politics also use the acronym to refer to minorities.

Guy: eww look at that POC!
Basic white girl: OMG that’s so racist
Guy: 🙄 I was referring to Billy’s rusty lifted Ford MAGA mobile but “ok Karen” go sip on your Starbucks

by Enderlee February 23, 2021

1👍 10👎


Abomination- divergence or bastardization of the natural order, humanity or societal orthodoxy that causes feelings of digust, distate or revulsion

The Webster’s dictionary definition is an abomination to the words true meaning

by Enderlee January 3, 2023


Short for Young Americans for Freedom, YAF is a minuscule college club where stuck up trust fund Babies can suck the cocks of overpriced Conservative speakers for appointments and jobs in DC.

Apparently Charlie Kirk is speaking to the YAF chapter! As if turning point itself wasn’t cringe enough! God do you think more then 5 people will show up? They are dropping a grand on Kirk!

by Enderlee February 14, 2020

6👍 2👎


A natural form of population control, caused by overcrowding or revulsion to the social behavior of the opposite sex

Yo, did you hear that a bunch of scientists at NIMH turned rats homosexual?

by Enderlee January 3, 2023