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region lock

A technological measure to prevent you, the consumer, from enjoying content that you paid for because it's from another country. Virtually all DVD players have this built in, as well as video game consoles. In the USA , it is illegal to modify a device in such a way as to defeat the region lock. This evil invention allows hated countries (that is countries with a race that is not preferred) to get movies and games last while Aryan countries get them first, and it makes the authentic legitimate original less valuable because of the restrictions put on it.

The fact that there is a region lock on my game console reinforces my stereotype that the U.S.A. is nowhere near a free country.

A region lock is a hate crime on a chip.

by Wm. Wallace The Freedom Fighter January 15, 2008

34πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Crotchal Region

Referring to your crotch

Yes please, in or around my crotchal region will do the trick

by scobb July 22, 2008

27πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Regional at Best

An album written by Tyler Joseph also known as Jesus Christ. Album written for Twenty One Pilots (TØP). Slme synonyms for Regional at Best are Dead, died, Non-existent, and Not real

Tyler Joseph: hey guys we have a new album called Regional at Best. We are very excited for you to listen to it!

Also tyler: never mind.

Fren: :(

by FootFΓΈΓΈps June 25, 2019

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Crotchular region

This is the area in which your ballsack and penis live my dear Watson.

Jerry's ballsack was swollen and changing colors from being hit in his crotchular region with a baseball bat.

by UnlimitedInfinity May 28, 2009

Jockal Region

Area in and around one's jock.

Whoa, lay off the jockal region.

by sup brett? January 25, 2011

nether region

Hell, Infernal Damnation

Slang - Private area of the anatomy

She's going to the nether region when she leaves this earth

Slang - I had some work done in my nether region.

by Bostonian July 28, 2006

107πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

abdominal region

For people who don't have abs, they would call that area the "abdominal region" instead of "dem abs"

Person 1: "Dude, you've got nothing. Look at your abdominal region"
Person 2: "Man, I wish I had dem abs like you."

by Autismosis Jones March 28, 2015

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