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Seaside Throat

Seaside throat is a condition that has recently found it’s way to Atlanta, Georgia, as well as some parts of South Alabama. Seaside Throat symptoms consists of coughing, soreness/redness/ swelling of the throat, and a scratchy voice. It is highly contagious, so if you have been near someone who has gone to seaside within the last 8 weeks you could very likely get it. While scientists are still trying to figure out it’s exact cause, it is rumored to be at least one of the following: excessive drinking, throwing up because of said drinking, smoking of any kind, and most of all: giving the most vicious hottest slobber tongue twisty double decker lips-over-teeth h3@d to Florida boys.

Girl 1: damn my throat sorta hurts, maybe I have a cold
Girl 2: no honey you jsut came from seaside… remeber what you did to get that alc? You definitely have Seaside Throat.

by Yeswestillhateyou October 28, 2021

What happens in seaside stays in seaside

What ever happens in seaside Florida should and will stay in seaside Florida forever.

"I got this girl pregnant in seaside Florida what do I do"
"What happens in seaside stays in seaside"

by Jackobeast256 September 28, 2021

Seaside Squad

these guys were true legends until haven had to change them for some shitty reason they were literally the goats of british holiday parks and if you are british and you have no clue about these guys then what the fuck are you

the seaside squad were good in the old times

yeah ngl rory looks fit as fuck

you dirty whore

by big fat tubby December 31, 2022

Sonic Seaside

Basically a Sonic YTber and has great videos!


Wow. Sonic Seaside is a good youtuber.

by Jamie the Idiot May 8, 2022

Seaside Six

Small group of individuals who used to go down to the coast on their scooters, the average number being six.

I see those Seaside Six are off out again enjoying themselves.

by DinoFlintstone June 26, 2020

seaside ting

They way people (mainly chavs) from Blackpool present themselves or act. Also a common phrase used my Afghan Dan.

Bloke 1 - "Oi whats that donny over there doing bruv?"
Bloke 2 - "Howay hes on a seaside ting init"

by JužnaStranaŽapoječovici March 3, 2019

Seaside Sewer Line

When a dude fucks a chick, and she cums all over his dick, and then he proceeds to fuck a man in the ass, and the odor created is referred to as the “seaside sewer line”.

Little Natey didn’t know he was bi until he tried a seaside sewer line.

by eL_dao March 3, 2024