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house smell

|hous smel|
house smell is the smell that of a guy or girl without perfume or cologne. It is usually the smell of the laundry detergent on their clothes. Many people enjoy house smell on a person, especially when you're being hugged by them. It makes you feel safe and comfortable. Sometimes you can just imagine house smell.

exp. "damn, Ian was hugging me yesterday and I just couldn't get enough of his house smell."

exp. "Those girls over there didn't seem to like my house smell all too much"

by MADCOC June 7, 2010

outside smell

Outside smell: the slightly musty, earthy odor that sticks to your body after being outside. It is said to be certain pollutants traveling in the air that give you the "outside smell". Some people really detest the smell and some would call it mild but noticeable.

Person 1: you smell strange, where have you been?
Person 2: well I ran to the convenience store and chilled at the park for a few minutes.
Person 1: Oh, you have the outside smell.

by Notmyrealname13 March 15, 2014

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smell check

Double checking the clothes you put on for any funky odors before getting dressed and leaving the house.

Damn, homeboy should have run a smell check on his pants before he came to work today. Dude smells like funky taint.

by Adam L. Bennett September 3, 2007

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The poop smell

A jittering smell that is a form of body odor primary from girls. It smells as if you grabbed ur own shit out of the toilet and rubbed it over your body. Most often ly sources from the vagina. Commonly amplified with sweating and exercise.

Dude did you smell Stacy? She has the poop smell I ran like crazy!

by Goober049 May 30, 2019

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smell phone

1. a cell phone that you accidentally drop in the toilet. Occasionally the phone will still be functional after it's dried off or taken in to get repaired and the owner will say "fuck it" and continue to use it even though it's been in a smelly toilet. How do we know if the phone has been in a toilet? Your Facebook status states: Drunkidiot dropped her phone in the toilet :(
2. a cell phone that smells like shit for some other reason

- Yo dude I dropped my phone in the toilet and it still works!!! Use it to call your parents to tell them you're gay!
- Fuck you assfuck and get that smell phone away from me

- Why does my phone smell like shit?
- I don't know but shove that smell phone up your ass where it belongs

by Olof Carmody March 12, 2009

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Fat Smell

The permeating aroma that tends to smell of sweat, arm pits and ass that surrounds an overweight person.

We were all crammed on the bus and I almost threw up from the fat smell coming off the lady standing next to me.

Man did you forget to take a shower or is that just your fat smell?

by TheDeathParade February 26, 2012

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peussie smell

a smell that comes from any object with the color of purpulish/brown, or brownish/purple. Originating from the word 'puce' and meaning something downright nasty in look and smell. If an object has a peussie smell, then it's best not to eat it.

During the performance at the opera, I notice a woman looking very uncomfortable and having that peussie smell. She departed before the final curtain and ran to the ladies room! She even looked like Princess Peussie.

by Kurt Steinberg November 29, 2007

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