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What teenagers use to catagorize everybody so they can get higher in the social food chain.

See wordposer/word, wordprep/word, wordpunk/word, wordgoth/word, wordjock/word, and other equally wordlame/word wordsterotype/words

by Anonymous June 25, 2003

348๐Ÿ‘ 533๐Ÿ‘Ž


A label, usually used negatively towards a person or a group of people, race, religion, or orientation.

Usually people who stereotype (95% of the people on this website) need a reality check, for sure.
Stereotyper's most commonly assume things like, 'Oh my God, she's Canadian so she must say eh after everything!' or 'He's Irish, he's gonna be a drunk!'.
Most of them, stop after awhile and grow up.
Some intill it into their children, and
there goes the intelligence of another

Stereotypes are, but aren't limited to:
1) I'm Asian so I must be smart.
2) I'm skinny so I must be anorexic.
3) I'm Italian so I must be a mobster.
4) I'm blond so I must be stupid.
5) I'm a cheerleader so I must be a slut.
6) I'm black so I must own a gun.
7) I'm Mexican so I must be poor.
8)I'm Christian so I must be a Bible thumper.
9) I'm Jewish so I must be a JAP.
10) I'm Muslim so I must be a terrorist.
11) I'm pale so I must be Goth.
12) I like Hello Kitty so I must be scene.
13) He's gay so he must like shopping.
14) I like My Chemical Romance so I must be emo.

Nobody likes Stereotypes...

by DriedxTears May 10, 2009

221๐Ÿ‘ 327๐Ÿ‘Ž


Applies stereotypes.

White guy:"Haha, you fucking asian! Go back to Japan with your chop sticks and Kung Fu!"
Asian guy:"...It's amazing how long he's lived considering all the genes that have recrossed, one could almost mistake him for old english royality."
(Old English Royalty used to wed their sisters and brothers, to keep their royal blood "Pure")

by PaleBlackJapanese October 20, 2003

73๐Ÿ‘ 100๐Ÿ‘Ž


something that tries to define a large group of people. it is usualy wrong because these accustaions are made without any right information. ususally degrading and hurtful.

all blacks are ghetto.
people who live in the northeast are stuck-up.
stereotypes suck.

by emilyfemily October 21, 2005

50๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž


Truthful assumption of a person which saves quite a bit of time. You may find a person who does not fit a stereotype, but these should be the exception, not the rule.

Person 1: Stereotypes aren't true!
Person 2: Yes they are, stupid; THAT'S WHY THEY EXIST!

by TheVoiceOfReason November 10, 2005

54๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž


A stereotype is a characteristic assumed by people regarding a certain population. Stereotypes are usually based on the history of that population and are also portrayed by the media. Stereotypes usually have a negative connotation, since it is including all people of a certain population into characteristics when really only a select few possesses.

1. If you are a teenager, you curse like a sailor, do drugs and cause trouble.
2. If you are white, you are a hypocrite that is jealous of society because you can't move up in life.
3. If you are black, you fail out of school, live on welfare and leech off the government, doing nothing with your life.
4. If you are a Jew, you are very careful with money and have huge ambitions to get rich.
5. If you are Muslim, you are a crazy, maniacal mastermind that likes to blow shit up and cause chaos.

Those are all examples of stereotypes.

by Marco K. January 19, 2010

44๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž


An automatic overgeneralization of certain labels, regardless of accuracy; over-abused discrimination; Cutting (is actually a form of non-sexual masochism)

Cheerleaders: Vain, slutty bitches who are too self-absorbed

Emos: Attention-seeking whores (Mostly the fakes and wannabes) (Fakes and wannabes=Majority of emo population these days); Wannabe scene queens; Emo Elmo (in my opinion, bullshit and an inaccurate judgement of "emo")

Celebrities: Over-paid actors and musicians just waiting to be judged and showered with overrated popularity; "Scandalous"

Examples of stereotypes (regardless of accuracy):

"All cheerleaders are skinny, skanky, and anorexic"

"Why don't all you stupid emos just bleed to death, you depressed attention-seeking whores?" (someone actually said that to me)

"OMFG, like, Miley Cyrus!!!"

by Zero The Dark Angel January 11, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž