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Acronym: Smoke Weed Every Day Every Night

Since we can't afford to do any fun traveling and this town is boring, I'm spending Christmas break in Sweden with all my best friends.

by KountKella December 16, 2011

27πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


A lovely country north of Denmark, next to Norway. People are friendly and generally speak english very well.

The swedish music scene is something that more and more people have come to appreciate in the last few years. If you're into alternative rock/indie/electro you really should check out it out. Some hot tips are: The Knife, Alice in Videoland, Kitty on the Catwalk, Sahara Hotnights and ofcourse The Hives.

Another thing that has just recently been discovered about Sweden is the domestic production of jeans. Brands such as Acne action jeans, Nudie and Cheap Monday are just starting to make their way to the fashion highways.

And need I mention that the clubbing around "Stureplan" is great? Lots of rich, goodlooking, young people who know how to party.

Great clubs to visit: Berns, Kharma, Sturecompagniet and Laroy.

by Xhela July 20, 2005

173πŸ‘ 229πŸ‘Ž


A shining beacon of freedom and progress, located in the chilly northern parts of Europe. Neighbour to Denmark, Norway and Finland, and often confused with at least one of them. Most Americans cannot distinguish Sweden from the mountain nation of Switzerland.

Famous for not only its a large population of very blonde and beautiful women, but also its history of Vikings, the music of partly forgotten bands like Abba and very high taxes. Under the government of the social democrats, Sweden has the highest tax rate in the world. The corruption is nearly non-existant and the population is well-educated, better than the average European or American citizen. There is no country in the world where atheism is better established than in Sweden, and the Swedish church, unlike the churches in many other countries, has little real power or influence. Sweden is also the most equal country in the world, gender-wise.

An overwhelming majority of Swedes surf the web. Although home to a relatively small part of the world (9 million), Sweden still manages to produce people and projects of great initiative and ingenuity. One of these projets is The Pirate Bay, the worlds largest BitTorrent tracker site. Another Swedish project is the famous KaZaA, a peer-to-peer fileshare client. Sweden also produces a lot of good gamers, not seldom seen leading the worldwide scoreboards. Sweden is also home to the Nobel Prize committee and host of the majority of Nobel Prizes.

Famous Swedish words in the English language are "smorgasbord", "tungsten" and "ombudsman". Famous Swedish people are Peter Stormare, Ingrid Bergman, Ingemar Bergman, Stellan SkarsgΓ₯rd, Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Alfred Nobel.

- What does Marcellus Wallace look like?
- What?
- What country you from?
- Sweden!
- Sweden ain't no country I ever heard of! They speak English in Sweden?
- What?
- Yes!

by Xschtar January 15, 2006

141πŸ‘ 192πŸ‘Ž


The country in northern Europe with the highest rate of suicide in Europe

I'm Swedish (wearing Swede shoes ) ; I'm going to kill myself. Goodbye Sweden!

by TrueOracle December 22, 2005

323πŸ‘ 466πŸ‘Ž


Country in northern part of universe (Europe). They have neonazis everywhere (thanks god for that), jews running the show (media, books, politics) and they are NOT ALLOWED TO COMPLAIN ABOUT IT!

No Swedish agenda is to fill the country with rapist, murderers and slackers from all other nations. Why? Just for fun and it does create jobs (police, judges, lawyers, jail-building, jail personel, social workers etc). Its a great idea and takes the focus from the corrupted jewish influenced government. The government might not work good at all, but immigrants are far worse. The topic today, tomorrow and yesterday!

Mustaffa arrives without passport to Arlanda.

Passpolice - Are you a frexxin jew or what?
Immigrant - No, im here to rape your daughter and kill your wife, im muslim you see.
Passpolice - If you rape my daughter you will get a "PUT" in Sweden for sure. Shes so ugly even the smelly "niggers" turn her down.

by 357magnum April 8, 2009

191πŸ‘ 271πŸ‘Ž


Best country in the world.

1. Northern cities
2. Death Metal
3. Best snow in the world
4. Best women in the world
5. Cold winter
6. Good filmography
7. Best Internet
8. Forests
9. Bathory
10. Lina Leandersson

Sweden, Norway and Finland are the best countries in the world.

by SongsOfDarkness December 8, 2014

13πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Sweden is a wonderful nation located in the northern parts of Europe. Its inhabitants are renowned for their beauty, a common prejudice wich is 95% correct. (the 5% flaw is due to immigrants who hae not yet been integrigated with the other populace.
The people of Sweden is also extremely intelligent and better educated than the generall american or france person.
Sweden also offers a spectacular variouty of wonderful nature. Sweden is actually so great that the word "swedish" is being used world-wide as an expression to determing how good or wonderful something is.

The country also has a long and great history record, as expected from a country as overall nice as Sweden.
From 1561 to 1718 Sweden is considered to be an great european power(becoming a super power during the Thirty-years war 1618-1648), culminating by the year of 1658 by nearly total annihilation of Denmark, what saved the country was an incorrectly drawn map of Copenhagens defenses.
Sadly, Sweden is no longer a super power however the king and queen of Sweden reminds of the nations glory.

Many great poets, authors and scientists was swedish.
For example Carl Michael Bellman, August Strindberg and Carolus Linneaus.

However nothing is all-tgrough well (as shown above considering beautiness).
Sweden has through the act of several misunderstandings in campaigns and ballots been ruled by an almost communistic government which doesn't even have the single majourity to rule alone, bur must take help from the Left (communist) party and the Enviromental party.
This has resulted in the highest tax rates in the world,
25% unemployement and an almost fallen apart national defence. This may be the cause of the sad high suicidal rates in Sweden.

However, Sweden is magnificent and fantastic, as long as you aren't interested in politics.

Person no. 1:"Hey, you're beautiful, intelligent AND nice. Are you from Sweden?"
Person no. 2:"Oh yes of course I am, thanks for the flattering. Now move out of my way, common person."
(Note: Swedish people aren't generally that arrogant, only against danes, as person no. 1 was.)

by Hugin January 15, 2006

177πŸ‘ 270πŸ‘Ž