Source Code

Magician's cloak


Chastity was used to circumcised penises. She had never seen a Magician's cloak before.

by Bensky March 1, 2014

cloak of honesty

The Cloak of Honesty is an attempt to use truth to protect yourself from the underlying reality of a situation.

You may be seeing someone who feels much more for you than you do for them. By telling them upfront and being very direct that you are not interested in a relationship, and that physical contact will not lead to commitment, technically you are being truthful and honest. However, if you continue physical contact, knowing full well that you are building expectations in their mind despite your words to the contrary, you are "hiding under the cloak of honesty" when you try to convince yourself and others that you are not, in fact, doing anything wrong.

by Charlie O'Donnell March 13, 2005

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Cloaked ghost

When you try to hide an erection with your sheets but it scares whoever is in your bed anyways

When Jenny unexpectedly walked into my bedroom, she caught a glimpse of my cloaked ghost and ran shrieking down the hall.

When Sally walked into her bedroom, she cried for there was a cloaked ghost nuking her base.

by Colonel Otto von Penguin December 23, 2008

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Cloak fetish

Having a sexual attraction to cloaks. Or when observing someone wearing a cloak in the wind. Can lead to beating your dick into various types of fabric that turn you on.

Damn that nigga over there looks like he has a crazy cloak fetish

by Cloak fucker May 3, 2019

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Cloaked Meat

Cloaked Meat is a situational condition that impacts those who consider themselves to be vegan, vegetarian or simply do not eat animal meat products. Cloaked Meat is when an animal meat product is either purposely or accidently placed into a food entree to be served and eaten by a non-meat eater. Cloaked Meat is most often, but not always, discovered in wraps and sandwiches that are marked as meatless or vegetarian found at catered lunch meetings and functions. The meat is considered Cloaked due to the fact that it is not readily visible to the eye and is often buried under lettuce and other customary sandwich fixings. Even more difficult to spot is Cloaked Meat in baked and cooked entrees. Cloaked Meat is usually only discovered once bitten into and most often, when already swallowed. Depending upon aversion to meat products, Cloaked Meat can result in nausea, vomiting, stomach ache and in extreme instances, massive, explosive diarrhea.

Roxy attended the office's get together for Henry's pending retirement. The company provided a lovely catered lunch which included sandwiches and wraps from a local deli. Roxy selected the sandwich marked "vegetarian wrap" since she is averse to eating animal meat products. Halfway through her sandwich and during a mid-chew and swallow, Roxy discovered that there was Cloaked Meat. Within minutes, Roxy was overwhelmed with nausea and had to leave the party. Within the hour, Roxy found herself running to the bathroom to avoid a shart and she subsequently expelled explosive diarrhea.

by Eaton Holgoode February 27, 2014

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Privacy Cloak

Can be a kleenex, wash rag, sticky note, anything to cover the camera eye on the computer you are using to masturbate to porn on the internet "just in case someone is watching on the other end".

Joe used a privacy cloak while fapping to men with balls but he forgot to lock his door and I walked in on him.

by dirtmetal September 9, 2012

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wizard cloak

the after effect of a hard fucking, resulting in the lips of ones pussy resembling the folds in a wizard's cloak.

after the frat party kelly had a wicked "wizard cloak"

by kingsley Tenenbaums October 14, 2009

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