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Urban Dick

Dick Talk for Urban Dictionary

Elliott: "Have you ever heard of the Abraham Lincoln?"
Wes: "No man, what is it?"
Elliott: "Haha, some shit Butterweck found on Urban Dick. Go look it up on there."

by pshars July 15, 2006

31๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

urban dick

A cock-faced, son-of-a-bitch, fucking cuntlicker at Urban Dictionary who won't let you sumbit some definitions because they are "forbidden."

Those urban dicks won't let me submit a definition for Aquemini.

by Marcus Reed September 16, 2006

35๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

an urban dick

Urban dick is someone who uses someones name in a manner that is offensive, or defamatory. Calling women whores, sluts, bitches, tarts and making up ficticious stories about their sexual history has been a passtime of urbandicks for some time, and is a prime example of an urban dick.
Generally it is used for the following purposes
a. to get someone fired, and / or ruin a reputation
b. revenge on an ex who dumped you
c. revenge on your ex's new girlfriend or crush
d. an invalid rape defence
c. the only form of insult an ignorant uneducated retarded lowlife degenerate criminal can think of to discredit someone.

Generally the women targeted by urban dicks are indeed not whores, but high profile, often even celibate people who have enemies due to their wide social circles.
Publishing this information can lead one to believe the editors of urban dictionary are in fact urban dicks themselves, but who knows. If the site had a "report abuse"' button or filter, and stuck to its original objective of providing a forum for the creation of new words and phrases and witty slang perhaps it would not attract so many degenerates.'
An urban dick can be identified by their lack of education and morals, lack of social life, or social skills, extremely demented brain cells that may be contagious, often caused by alcohol or narcotics. These people should be avoided, as they are like wild animals such as snakes who can even turn on their animal friends.

"i was fired because of that whore. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that i am an incompetent ignoramous without a degree or a clue, and in fact nothing to do with her" - an urban dick 1
"i date raped that girl, so i'll just call her a whore as my defence" -an urban dick 2
"that whore stole (or is trying to steal) my boyfriend, i know she probably isn't one but i am a lowlife who uses bad language so i'll keep saying it." -urban dick 3
"i was arrested because of that whore. (I wonder if it's her fault or because i broke the law)" urban dick 4
"i don't even know these whores, but i was brought up so badly that all my language consists of swearwords, some of which i can't even spell, so i'll keep calling women that" urban dick 5
" i have the mental capacity of a child and no social skills so i spend all my time on urban dictionary making up ficticious rumors about other peoples sex lives because i am so ugly and such an aresehole that i can't get laid" urban dick 6
"i am an narcissistic sociopath who gets off on making other peoples lives hell, so i might go online and call some more women i know whores" -urban dick 7
" I am a mafioso who is made at that whore for ruining my crime syndcate so i'm gonna kill that whore and post lies online for everyone to see" - urban dick 8
" I want that girls job so i'll tell everyone she's a whore" urban dick 9

by policecu January 17, 2011

21๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban Dick

A person who uses urbandictionary not to inform people the meanings of slang and otherwise unofficial terms and words, but to insult a group of people, respond to a definition (good or bad response, this is still not a chat room), and often completely leave out a definition and merely voice their opinion on the word in question.

Here are a few urban dicks who have gotten enough thumbs up to be on the front page of their respective words.


Dumbest shit ever, just call asshole.

(Where's the definition?)

George Bush

he president who staged the first preemptive strike in the history of the United States of America using the sole justification that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

Later, when no wmds were found, he fiddled with terror alerts, implied connections between Iraq and 9/11, changed the definition of the word "liberation" to "invasion", and generally deceived the American people.

George Bush constantly encourages misconceptions about the war on Iraq and John Kerry, possibly because he does not understand these things himself.

If you disagree, tell me, why DID we go to war with Iraq? Don't just say why we should have gone, or what makes sense to you (i.e. Saddam Houssein was a dictator, find out exactly what George Bush told us.

(this isn't a political discussion, and I don't know how you expect us to tell you anything over urban dictionary)

Scene Kid

typical "scene" girl:

-choppy hair
-usually black
-septum ring
-has a myspace with pictures of her from crazy angles with a TUFF face on because shes so hardxcore
-goes to local shows all the time
-belongs to a livejournal community called "cuntxcore" or "gungunbangbang" or "murderscene". because anything involving guns, or bang, or murder, or glamour, electric, shock, lust, or cunt, is cool in her book
-often says things like "SUP NIGZ" or "KTHXBAI" or "I HATE YOU KDIE" or "IM COOLER THAN YOU K" or "SUP IM RAD" on their myspace profile
-loves dinosaurs and robots and little girl bows and headbands because its just the way things are in the scene. dont ask them why all of them happen to find all of these things suddenly attractive, because they dont know themselves, its just what TOTALLY SCENExCORE people do.

usually theyre just obnoxious bitches who put on this "scener than thou" attitude and hate everyone else, kthxbai lol.

(this isn't Xanga)


by Rural Tom August 20, 2008

16๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

urban dick

A particular variety of spidiot who insists on submitting offensive, mis-spelled, innacurate or obscenity-riddled entries to UrbanDictionary.com under the false impression that this somehow makes them funny.

"There are far too many urban dicks around this site."

by Samuel Wilkinson April 10, 2004

19๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban Dicked

Being unable to get any definitions or phrases posted on URBAN DICTIONARY.

Damn it, I got urban dicked again! Those bastards wont post my definition of what it's like to have sex with a goat, monkey, tomato and midget all at the same time.

by Obamatang4 June 19, 2010

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

urban dick

Noun. Male. A pathetic loser who peruses the Urban Dictionary website for definitions of degraging and pretty much impossible sexual positions. He then e-mails them to his computer programmer friends who laugh loudly in their cubicles while eating Hot Pockets and drinking Mr. Pibb. This particular species of dick rarely uses his own on a live person and smells as offensive as his entries.

Reginald's wife divorced him because he is an urban dick.

by E. Baker September 17, 2006

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