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Took an l

So in conclusion, i Got played

The boys: so what happened
Me: i took an l

by nig nug 420 September 13, 2019

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

too took

To be intoxicated to an excessive amount.

Me and my homeboys was drinking last night and I got straight too took.

by evo one February 8, 2014

took it personal

When MJ takes something personal you know you are about to get a 50 bomb dropped on your head.

Dang when MJ took it personal he dropped a 50 bomb.

by King panter March 30, 2022

got took!

to get beat down or taken out by someone.

Oh my gosh Mike Tyson got took!

Wow! Doctor Octopus got took by SpiderMan!

by cser2 October 22, 2009

12πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

took a screenshot

a metaphor representing ones body or mind experiencing exceptional discomfort or bewilderment. Taken from the action of pressing two opposing buttons together on a smartphone to take a screenshot, the unorthodox action being translated into an unorthodox feeling.

Ex 1: β€œYeah, when I saw him eat a maggot covered in mayonnaise, my body took a screenshot.”

Ex 2: β€œMan, when that professor kept asking so many questions so fast, I could’ve sworn my brain took a screenshot.”

by OhkayBudday October 26, 2020

18πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

took a craft

When you take a shit and it turns out to be a work of art.

Hey Klancy, come look in the toilet. I just took a craft! It looks just like Elvis.

by Caylowe February 4, 2011

Took it in the ass

Past tense for Taking it in the Ass.

1) To express former disapointment
2) Slang expression for an unfortuante/unfair event.

Also see: Take it in the ass

1) Todd took it in the ass on that one.
2) When he invested in Worlcom stock, he really took it in the ass on that one.

by BIATCH551 March 16, 2005

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