(V) The act of sacking or removing an individual for absolutely no reason at all from an organisation or place for a prolonged period of time, typically for three years or more.
This job sucks! The boss seems to be umsing all his new employees!
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If you really don't know what to say and/or you are in the middle of either making up something or trying to remember what you about to say, this vocal contortion is emitted.
"Hey, um, can I go to the drug store?"
"I, um, went to the, um, bowling alley"
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A Very Awesome Person. He Has won The Basketball Championship Game for latimer Road Elementary. He Is A Staight A Student As Well.
Umed Got Top All-around Student Of the Year. Umed Is JUst Awesome At Basketball Expected to Be 7" feet
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A suffix added to a guys name, usually done by a girl or a homosexual male.
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Mostly used in Switzerland. UME is used to discribe someone who is ready or to check for their availability.
Bro, are you ume? The Party is lit.
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A word that is commonly used
1 A word used to replace silence when searching for ideas or words so say or think
2A word used to describe uneasiness or unsure feelings or thoughts.
3A word used for sentences when a person suddenly forgets and needs a word to describe it
1"I would like to say something.. Its about.. umm"
2"Are you sure, Dan?" "umm..."
3"I will be representing the team of... um.. Hawks!"
1. Universal, descriptive word, used when a definitive definition is neither sought nor intended
2. Positive or negative taunt, dependant on expression, situation and person using it
3. The act of being um
Examples of um and umness in everyday speech:
1. As a taunt:
"Hey Truck, did you end up going to see Star Wars?"
"Star Wars is um cobber, I'm not paying to see that umness"
2. As a question:
"What are you planning on doing with all that umness champ?"
3. As an answer:
"You coming down the park for some cricket man?"
"Nah, I still feel pretty um from last night"
4. As a statement of frustration
"47 minutes until the next train? That's um"
(note: the longer you hold onto the 'a' in 'that's' is a direct reflection to the amount of frustration felt. For example: "47 minutes until the next train? Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat's um" would infer a great deal of frustration)
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