Source Code


uniformed police officer
pronounced: ooh-nee

Two unies came by today looking for you. I told them nothing.

by inane5 April 29, 2005

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


The best years of your life (if you go, that is). Friends, legal drinking, more drugs, actually getting laid rather than pipe-dreaming about it. Clubs, etc! Yet less stupid social peer pressure and immaturity.

And no it doesn't have to be destructive if you can manage to balance your workload. And yeah it costs, big deal. Student loan (which is really a "tax") will be your saviour.

Work hard.
Play harder!

They say "school is the best years of your life" - rubbish.

University is much more fun if you make the best of it. Uni is the place where you can still feel young, yet get adult rights and treatment.

Even the once bullied kids and nerds become social butterflies at university.

by 20 year old student July 13, 2010

33πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


one division

some nerd that simps for serial killers

UniΓ· is a simp

by one of skye's mods September 17, 2022


A slur for a gay male. This word was made in the late 1800s, but isn’t used anymore due to equal rights.

Jared:John, I’m gay.

John:Damn uni!

by hawnydahawse April 29, 2021

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


An internatonal school in New York City, on 23st. They don't wear uniforms and seem like they are a public school, but they

aren't. Much less snobby, sucks at sports. K- 12 but many leave in high school. Stands for "United Nations International School."

"I'm going to UNIS!"

"Oh, I go to Dalton." *shuns*

by Margarrita June 14, 2010

13πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


1.a unibrow
2.someone with a unibrow

1.Holy Shit that beast has a Uni
2.Uni has to count using fingers and toes.

by Dan December 19, 2003

13πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


University of Surrey, (Guildfrod)

I posted this coz someone else tagged UniS

by Last Chancer October 23, 2006

10πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž