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terminate velocity

n. applies to new or recent hires that don't seem to understand the job for which they were hired.

That new girl in Logistics hit terminate velocity last Thursday when she sorted one column of a 50,000-cell spreadsheet and saved it to the shared drive.

by TissPee September 8, 2010

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Angular velocity

The Angular velocity is defined as the angle swept by the radius per unit time.

Earth's true angular velocity, Ο‰Earth, is equal to 15.04108Β°/mean solar hour (360Β°/23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds)

by physicsnoob:p September 12, 2020

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Cock Velocity

The speed and force of which cum is ejaculated from the penis during orgasm. It is similar to muzzle velocity in a close aspect.

Billy's cock velocity was so high that when he nutted, Emma lost eyesight temporarily.

by BloodMoney125 April 29, 2016

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Velocity Girl

Here she comes again
With vodka in her veins
Been playing with a spike
She couldn't get it right
Splendour in silver dress
Velocity possessed
The world was hers again
It fell apart again
I don't need anyone to hurt me

No, not anyone at all
'Cause my so-called friends have left me
And now I don't care at all
Leave me alone
Leave me alone
Leave me alone

Velocity Girl

by Death Menace February 6, 2023

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financial escape velocity

It occurs when income earned from your investments is consistently greater than your spending, allowing you to live off of your savings indefinitely.

I'll retire once I've achieved financial escape velocity.

by trapclap January 4, 2015

Watchlist Escape Velocity

When your list of shows to watch starts growing faster than you can watch them.

β€œI keep finding new shows. At this rate, I’ll never be able to finish them all! I think I’ve hit watchlist escape velocity.”

by TheGreatKatyusha October 28, 2020

sneeze sperm velocity

The unknown factor of how fast it would go if a girl sneezed while some one blew there load down there throat.

We need to submit our theory of sneeze sperm velocity to NASA.

by Raziel April 22, 2003

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