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Drunk or high to the point you can't tell which end is which, which hole to put it in, what living thing to put it in, or can't get it in at all. Symptoms include dizziness, nausea, and the worst fucking headache EVER.

"Oooh my friggin' head i'm so wasted."

by April XD July 20, 2007

99๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


To get WASTED as in drunk. Comes from the welsh Wastraff amser which means waste of time, but that doesnt even matter. Pronounced : W-ass-t but all in one syllable. Usually used when very excited about getting crunkk!!! Also followed by a swift leg kick forward GET IN

OMG Lou i got totally wast last night *LEG KICK*!!!

by appelykisses October 14, 2007

32๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

A waste

A waste is the writer of the old top definition:

"A waste, or a TOTAL waste, is what the majority of todays young people (under 30) are, with very, very, few exceptions.
So many of todays kids are just worthless, just a bunch of idiots, a waste, of (money, time, education etc.)"

"Did you know shomesomethin is A waste of capacity on earth"
"WOah dude look at that flying squid"

by PepiOnLine November 8, 2020

17๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of drinking a shitload of alcholic beverages to the point of no longer being able to stand.


The act of getting the fuck shot out of you by Gangsters.

Damn dude we were so wasted last night!


Holy Shit! They just wasted carl!

by Eric January 7, 2005

270๐Ÿ‘ 149๐Ÿ‘Ž


to drink alcohol to the point of being heavly intoxicated... drunk

dude, we drank a fifth of vodka yesterday... we were wasted

by sara November 20, 2004

296๐Ÿ‘ 172๐Ÿ‘Ž


To run out of health on Grand theft auto.

Also, to have a large amount of poisonous chemicals in your sytem.
You can not be WASTED if you only have marijuana in your system, because marijuana does not consist of the lethal toxins that other drugs contain.

yo brah, me and crazy j just smoked 6 blunts, and drank 2 40z a peice. then to top it off we snorted 10 lines of coke. we were so wasted

by krevin April 22, 2007

442๐Ÿ‘ 269๐Ÿ‘Ž

the wasting

The term for getting pished, stoned, both or fucked up in general.

1. Commence the wasting!

2. "I propose a toast, TO THE WASTING!!"

by the firing B.U.D February 4, 2009