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Jack wheat

An annoying or irritating character

That guys a total jack wheat

by solos August 16, 2018

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Whole Wheat

(adj) used to describe something or someone as plain, bland, or boring

Wow Susan, you never want to go out, you're so whole wheat.

by eastsidaz808 April 4, 2017

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wheat thins

A Whole wheat snack made by heat compressing pure wheat into little flakes and salt is added to make it super delicious.

I love my wheat thins packaged with a hieroglyphics tshirt.

by Not Harvey April 28, 2007

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wheat chex

These are the boldest of the chex family. The flavor puts corn and rice chex to shame.

I just ate some of the best netty cereal I have ever had. Wheat Chex really get me going in the morning. Forget the Rice and Corn... my shit is with the wheat.

by Rob R. December 2, 2006

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wheat cracker

The blackest white person you will ever meet.

That cop let me off with only a warning. Man, he is a real wheat cracker.

by BobertPhillupsy August 5, 2007

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wheat thins

A baked cracker who tastes SO good it could make your soul leave your body just so it could become a wheat thin.

Did you hear Wheat Thins can cure CANCER?!
My g/f and I love Wheat Thins, because thats how we met.
Cause of death, Wheat Thins, do you concur Dr. Hyde? I concur.

by fuuon September 30, 2005

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Cutting wheat

Beating up people who are obsessed with eating healthy, especially those who are gluten intolerant.

Karl: "Hey Steve. What are you guys doing tomorrow night?"
Steve: "Not sure. We were thinking of going to the Natural Grocers and cutting wheat."

by myrealnameisnotjim July 29, 2014

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