Z A M N !
idiot 1: She’s 12?
guy 1: no she's 18
idiot 1: ZAMN
An insult that doesn't work because true feminists actually want equality between genders
Guy #1:"she was such a feminist" Guy #2:"you mean a feminazi".
Very loyal friend. Usually funny . And definitely has a fat ass. She can shake it and it moves like an earthquake. She is loving. She will usually make fun of you if she like you.
No Unako (she) i know has a flat ass
She-bro...a woman or young lady who can hang with the bro's. Probably can kick most, if not all, of their asses. Pulls a bong hit with the best of them. Can shoot and fish while shot gunning a beer. When people see her they immediately think, " Damn...now that's a woman."
She-bro. Use it. Respect it. She-bro.
A girl who sells or offers her pussy for shit
She’s a Strawberry,Starwberry is selling pussy for crack
Metaphorical testicles found to be on a female. Can mean a lack of fear or the ability to do something that takes some balls.
I'm going to kick her right in the she-nuts.
Man that took some she-nuts.
v. To have a threesome including two or more women sandwiching the third man/woman in between them. See also burg
My hot girlfriend and I want to she-burg you all night long.