possessor of fishlips and butcherer of good songs
he should have faded into obscurity like the backstreet boys or bubba sparx
632👍 192👎
Odysseas P is a hee-haw master. He moonwalks, growls, plays the hurdy gurdy and the meerklang! Let’s not forgot the motivational comments his giagia leaves on his guitar videos and he’s been a football athlete since day 1.. Is there anything he can’t do? But do NOT confuse him with a Marino.
Girl 1: omg he can do everything, he’s like a superhero!
Girl 2: No, he’s an Odysseas P.
The ultimate culmination of all things amazing to form a unique female being. Every female wants to be her. Every male wants to be with her. Every one of the world's problems can be solved by her. There can only be one Susie P.
Aimee - "Oh my god, I can't figure this out!"
Mell - "What would Susie P do?!"
A very unlikable individual, and typically participates in homosexual activities.
Elijah; “Ayo, do you know Josh has been acting like an ethan p lately?”
Matthew: “No. (😐)”
(Noun)- the 12th letter of the English language alphabet.
i.e. H I J K Alimeno P etc.
jon- who needs 26 letters when you can have 22? less to remember. that's my motto
jay- wow jon, your Awesomocity meter just rose 2 points!!
jon- yea! I'm no longer NEGATIVE!
PPPP stands for: Piss Poor Planning & Performance.
That means a person is reckless, haphazard, negligent and ignorant on purpose because he does stupid shit that causes major problems due to not thinking things through, learning from mistakes or even giving a flying fuck.
"Everything my ex did showed his style of PPP&P., I said mentioning how my ex got drunk, was violent and got thrown in jail...again. And, how he guesstimated shit wasting money and time ( 5 back-to-back trips to the hardware store) just to end up racing to the Emergency because he didn't think about how winging-it on a repair would end with him slicing off a chunk of his hand )(gushing blood) while he was home alone with his newborn. And, that he would end up leaving blood-spattered everywhere with no indication of what happened . And, that driving while gushing blood would result in him walking into the emergency room, lugging his baby, then passing out in the lobby before giving his name and information. Wtf?
Player Moderator
A normal player in the game of RuneScape, who has been chosen by Jagex to have the ability to temporarily mute players for 48 Hours. They are recognizable by the silver crown next to their name when they speak.
Their actions are closely monitored by Jagex.
"Dude! Did you just see that guy with the crown next to his name?! He's a P-Mod!"