A derogatory Colloquialism from Sydney's Northern beaches.
meaning: A person who must right wrongs.
e.g. 1:
You light up a cigarette at the beach and someone demands
you put it out.
e.g. 2:
A person who picks up a piece of litter that you have just dropped and places it in a bin.
Use: "What a Justice friend"
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vigilante justice...
when a person committing a crime is killed... preferably by the victim or devine intervention but applicable to death by police action... justice without the middleman
could also apply to less fatal circumstances in which someone gets what they deserve...
the store clerk delivered GEICO justice to armed robber
the car jackers received GEICO justice when the vehicle crashed
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Fools from the UK whose entire self-worth is derived from their favourite football team. They barely care about their own children half the time, if at all, but will become enraged at the idea of a European Super League. A barely legible regional accent, a football scarf, and the latest ยฃ150 Nike Air Max bubble trainers that don't last ten minutes is compulsory. Often seen in the safety of herds of its own species shouting Fuck Off You're Going Down at the opposing team, its fans, old ladies in Lidl car parks, or whoever else walks by them in Butlins/Pontins/Benidorm. Pay attention and you'll see the older fatter ones who are too unfit to cause much trouble egging on the younger more impressionable ones to cause it for them by proxy. If they have a garden garden it is likely covered in rubbish and shredded plastic toys that were chewed to bits by pitbulls. They think the 5G phone network is a government psyop and that university is a myth. More recently they have been spotted standing around outside football stadiums looking upset, holding hand-written signs saying things like, 'i luvs me futball i do', 'i luv futty more than me own kids innit', '5G made me do it', 'im a gud dad me like', 'i wont pay child support but i will pay 700 quid for a limited edition pair of trainers', 'me pitbull george best ate 5 of are kids but as long as man u is still in the premiership im appy like', etc etc.
Chav Justice Warriors often vote torie because they don't like immigrants or foreigners, despite the fact at least half of their favourite football team is non-white.
People who do not realize that people make ignorant mistakes. Mostly from what I've seen Tumblr plays a huge part in this. Basically, SJBs are people that see someone has said something wrong or anti-semitic and they get on social media, call them out, (which is fine) but then they take it to another level and pretend to be for social justice, but it boils down to them just disliking the individual so they bully that person to the point of no return without realizing that people do make ignorant and honest mistakes. (Even if the inciter has educated their self and perhaps presented a public apology that is sincere to the core.)
"I'm definitely down for social justice, but these Social Justice Bullies are a real problem."
"She is honestly sorry, but the Social Justice Bullies do not care for her resolution because they get off on calling people out via Tumblr without trying to educate them."
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Using a 2-5 pound piece of steel, originally intended to lock a bike, to do cosmetic damage to a 2,000-10,000 pound piece of steel originally intended to transport human beings used to purposefully do physical, possibly lethal damage to a human being on a bicycle.
After being repeatedly honked at and passed very closely at high speeds I enacted U-Lock justice. The driver now might think twice before purposefully endangering the life of another human being.
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The distribution of advantages to the good or innocent and disadvantages to the bad or evil in any society.
After a soothing moment of 'Angel Hunting,' social justice has been served.
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A person who believes they are fighting for the people and races seen as the underdogs of the world. And while they might be, they come off as whiney, triggered, and unable to take a joke from everyone else because they were taught that words hurt.
Dude I had to leave a group recently I genuinely loved.
Why man?
Too many social justice warriors get triggered over the simplest jokes on there.
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