Source Code

South Park

probably the best show on tv. anyone who doesn't like south park probably goes home and fucks their mom at night. airs on comedy central and upn. main characters are cartman, kyle, kenny, and stan.

south park episode 306: sexual harassment panda

Petey the sexual harassment panda: "…Article 36, Section 19: One panda may not make sexual comments about another panda's appearance. If said panda does make…"

Stan: Ogh, dude, get me out of here!

Cartman: I think Sexual Harassment Panda is cool.

Stan: You would think that, you little ass-sucker.

Cartman: What did you call me?

Stan: An ass-sucker. It means you suck ass. You see an ass, you suck it. You're an ass-sucker.

Cartman: That does it! I am suing you for sexual harassment!

Petey: Uh-oh.

Stan: What?

Cartman: You have… sexually harassed me for the last time! It says right here… that now I can sue you and take all of your money.

Petey: That's right, he can.

Stan: No you can't, you little ass-sucker!

Cartman: Oh, you did it again! You all heard him!

Petey: "The first party of the first panda may sue the second-party panda unless that panda was said panda aforementioned panda."

by south_park_kicks_ass May 28, 2006

90πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

south of heaven

Think about it.... "South of Heaven" means HELL

We're all going south of heaven

by Metallica Owns You November 9, 2003

52πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

South End

A part of boston next to Roxbury. South End is partially nice and rich, but is an underestimated hood and is completely ghetto when you get to know it. Home to these housing projects: Villa Victoria, Cathedral Housing, Tent City, Methunion Manor, Lenox/Camden, Camfield Gardens, and the ones at 1825 Washington St. South End is about 45% White, 25% Black, 20% Hispanic, 10% Asian, and 10% Other (according to Boston Data Profile). Also home to the best Little League in the City.

Mike went out to eat in the South End, and stayed safe, while his friend David got shot in the head 5 times.

by Juan J February 6, 2010

34πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

South Jersey

south jersey is the southern region of New Jersey. How do you know what is south jersey? take out your map of New Jersey get out a big red marker and draw a line that slopes from south of trenton down to just north of atlantic city. If your from south jersey you most likely LOVE wawas, and you LOVE philadelphia and philadelphia sports teams, also you HATE north jersey, they are all so lame up there.

I'm from south jersey, I think I am going to eat a wawa hogie while watching the philadelphia eagles

by iamslowlyfading February 10, 2005

337πŸ‘ 216πŸ‘Ž

south america

bunch of awsome countries!! (colombia, venezuela, brazil, ecuador, peru, bolivia, chile, argentina, uruguay, paraguay...) coolest place in the world, south americans are NOT mexicans, we are smarter, look better and DONT eat burritos.

south american girls rock
ppl keep on thinking that south americans are mexicans

by ddaa October 16, 2005

300πŸ‘ 191πŸ‘Ž

South Cakalacky

South Carolina.

specifically: Greenville, N. Charleston, Colombia, Hilton Head, + Myrtle Beach.

These are the only cities that matter. Sorry to the rest of y'all.

exp: Greenville includes entire G-Ville county.

Reppin' dat 803, 864, and whatever the hell Charleston/Myrtle Beach's area code is.

by Johnny Twoguns August 4, 2004

58πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

South Yonkers

Usually means Southwest Yonkers, the part with all the crime and drugs.

From around Lake to Caryl and the Hudson to Saw Mill.

by Matt November 5, 2004

16πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž