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a place were photographers post there pics.

"dud, thats an awsome pic!, you shoul post it in wdys/pp!"

by jondubie December 9, 2006

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Angel is a kind soul with beautiful mind and sexy face

person 1:"have you heard about @pp._angel?"
person 2:"yes i have, shes pretty"

by dumbparisitewhodoesntleave October 9, 2020

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pp poopoo

Verb: This act occurs when one poops out of the genitals. Peepee poopoo, weewee woowoo, and deedee doodoo out of your peepee-hole in you penis dick. Eat my penis poop.

Ex: "Mommy! Daddy! Please wipe my peepee I just went pp poopoo!"

by Bihgdic March 31, 2021

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smol pp

this is a very bad thing very very bad thing

u have smol pp u pp is smol

by -p=-p-=o-l'-o;.p[ April 9, 2021

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PP sock

The PP sock is comfy and warm spot to let your pp hang. Usually you have small pp because of the cold but thanks to PP sock you now have normal pp. But watch out for the poop sock, the poop sock is not comfy and warm.(the poop sock that mommy didnโ€™t find)

โ€œPP sock helped me though my marriageโ€

by Mr.Poopsock December 29, 2021

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pp drip

A pg clean way of saying I need a piss

"Mate I need a piss"
"There's children here!"
"Sorry I need a pp drip"

by Smartkarius July 25, 2018

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PP Man

The actual embodiment of pedophila, Pp usually stands for pedophile. They are usually in places that have less parental attention. This spans from the internet to the Mcdonald's playplace. Usually the smell of low testosterone and pineapple pizza lingers in the air. His penis is shriveled from the constant use of penis enlargement pills he found online and can barely get erect. This causes them to very sexually depraved so be careful.

Daughter: " Dad, weird looking man touched my private parts over near the swing set."
Dad: "Honey that's a pp man now daddy has to commit Homicide. Make sure to watch out from now on, now go to the car and get daddy's Browning 1911-380."

by cryoskeptical April 14, 2019

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