High Blood Pressure And Hypertension Are Contests
A lot of pressures
The science man told me about Giga Pressures
High Blood Pressure And Hypertension Are Perianal abscesses That Morph Into A Cystic Lesion
Another name for famous off Broadway musical Heathers
Heathers is literally peer pressure the musical
Drinking a great amount of alcohol in a minimum amount of time.
Tonight's gonna be pressure tanking with the guys!
I do wanna get wasted, let's hit the all you can drink bar and do pressure tanking!
Let's pressure tank tonight!
Dear lord, I have a bloody hungover! Must be because of the pressure tanking in the 2£ bar last night!
A saying used by fools. Make's no sense. Stab me with sporq.
I heard that Hannah turned out well! Sure! Dude! YEaHHAHEHE Pressure makes Diamonds ¯\_(ツ)_/¯