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trophy sock

sock that a man masturbates into without washing enough times that it can stand on it's own like a trophy.

Jimmy finally got his reward for jacking off so many times. Now a trophy sock sits on his dresser

by Sarah and Crystal July 4, 2006

14πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Poop sock

The term poop sock was probably derived from the French word "popsuk", meaning 'Brown cream. The use of "poop sock" in Ireland derives from the Irish word β€˜poop soki’. In either case both have the same meaning and origin. Before caming, one would have to try and came in a safe place. Often times one would release his relish in a sock. If cold outside, it was common practice to put the sock on and embrace the warmth of the came. Here in the year 2020 sock caming is quite boring. That is why we all now embrace the traditions of our forefathers and fill the β€˜poop sock’ with feces like badasses. Leave in the fridge for a tasty treat later or a very dangerous weapon for self protection or random splurges for vigilante shit.

Dad was caming in a sock like an old retard so I decided to beat him with my frozen poop sock

Jimmys wife pleasures herself with my poop socks, both soft and frozen.

by Bigdeepandjuicy December 28, 2019

57πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Poop sock

The sock one uses to poop at school

Bro can I borrow your poop sock?

by chief chungus February 7, 2019

43πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Meat Sock

Elizabeth, taker of copious amounts of cock. A sleeve or sheath for a man's member.

My god, Elizabeth fucks so many guys, she's a regular meat sock, that is, a sock for some man's meat.

by kanzai43 January 21, 2009

58πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

shit socks

Tits that look like socks with a lump of shit inside them

Kevin: Man, thos strippers were not very attractive.
Adam: Especailly the black chick. When she leaned forward her tits looked like shit socks.

by mexnfx September 5, 2011

55πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

blue socking

The act of wearing a condom throughout the day in the off chance of scoring unexpectedly.

β€œI might score with Susan today, better be blue socking today”
β€œGood idea”

by Ccofval10 December 24, 2017

sharp sock

A cotton sock that is used to clean up ejaculation off of the bed. over time it dries and becomes crusty/ sharp at which point it needs to be replaced

Dude...watch out! You'll cut yourself on the sharp sock... my bad...my girl always leaves it out!

by apreston1978 April 13, 2009