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travel 2024

pati, andra and payola's iconic trip to romania ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

person a: ugh i'm so sad let's do something fun
person b: yes let's pull a travel 2024

by milflover1989 January 20, 2021

Traveler's Clean

The act of taking extra care- and time- when douching, typically anticipating significant delay of the anal intercourse for which one is preparing

"Hey Ricky, where's Omar? The cab will be here in five"
"He said he was meeting someone at the club later. Probably stuck in the bathroom giving himself a real good traveler's clean"

by s3r10u5 August 6, 2021

Facebook Time-Traveler

(Noun, Verb, Adj)-A Facebook Time Traveler is a phrase used to describe an married or single individual who will take the liberty to stalk former classmates' walls in an effort to eventually pursue them. An influx of Facebook messages or a request for one's cell number is typically a standard operating procedure.

So, Jimmy is acting like a Facebook Time-Traveler ! I mean, what's up with the Love bombing??? He messaged me like 5 times asking me if I remembered our Biology class after study hall?? He also said that "I was the one that got away"? Wtf does this mean after all these years? It's kinda creepy. Ewe, he's married too! Oh boy, I may have to block him.

by Cappy C February 6, 2023

Sounds like water's traveling through your balls

A phrase used to say someone is so stupid that they can't even reproduce, they just have water for sperm because they can't even do what all living things are supposed to be able to do. This can be used to talk about women to say that they are stupid, but it's mostly men.

"Like I said before the Bible says the Earth is flat."
"You're going through the same arguements with no other evidence, it sounds like water's traveling through your balls, man."

by AndrosLesbian June 17, 2023

astral travelling

An action, during which one is physically present but, wondering in their mind mentally, not paying attention to reality.

Hey Jenny!...Jenny, hey! HEY! Teacher, Jenny is astral travelling again and not paying attention to class!!

by The demon under your bed. April 29, 2024

travellers remorse

After travelling abroad for a long period of time, having the time of your life, meeting amazing people and tasting amazing foods...returning to your urban life working 9-5 (or 7-6:40pm), seeing a computer screen all day long, and wondering when the next long weekend will be.

i.e. Wishing you were still in Australia backpacking for example

Man...waking up at 5:30am every morning to catch transit and Code program at work has really made me catch travellers remorse

I have travellers remorse...when can we go to Poland?!

by Catchflights July 26, 2017

Distraction Travel

Travel that is interesting enough and long enough away from your normal life that the distraction of the new sights, activities, food, drinks, culture etc cause you to break all your normal habits. Can be great for weights loss, clearing a foggy head due to stress or a high work load. Generally involves at least 4 weeks away to allow complete disconnection from ones normal regime, lifestyle and habits.

I really need some distraction travel to clear my head as I can't decide whether to quit this job and go full time on my sideline or not.

by ThroughDistraction October 20, 2018